We start our week off with a sensitive Pisces Moon. In fact, we’ve been treading a lot of water lately through Pisces, the sign of compassion, intuition, universality, collective emotion, and mysticism. As a result, we’ve been working through these aspirational themes while noting Pisces lower tendency to drop out, numb out, and get lost in the fantasy. So it’s been extra important to keep our feet on the ground (even in water) while discerning reality from the illusion.

The reason it’s good follow the Moon and its journey through the 12 signs is that it acts like a transmitter. It broadcasts on all channels. We subconsciously pick up on flavors and cues depending on where the Moon is. It’s all about Pisces until Wednesday.

But, not to be outdone, there’s a lot of Aries fire happening this week as well as the Sun pulls closer to the powerful influence of Uranus and Pluto. We’re about to step into a new moon and new lunar month on Thursday, one designed to awaken us and move in a new direction. More on that later this week.