Although Saturn has us reflecting on serious matters today, the Pisces Moon may have us dreaming about what we need to do versus taking concrete steps forward. Rest up because come tomorrow the Aries Moon will have us on the move.

Saturn also meets up with the South Node of the Moon today. This doesn’t happen very often; the last time was 2002 in the sign of Gemini. When the South Node meets up with any planet there’s something that needs to be let go of or dealt with from the past. Saturn talks about the things we build, the responsibilities we have, the lessons we learn, the debts we cary. It’s possible that something is truly done, that we’ve learned all that we can learn and that it’s not worth holding onto something any more.

One of the things I’ve been noticing with the South Node in Capricorn, especially while working with my clients, is that there’s something we’ve holding onto because we’re afraid (Saturn) to let it go. Maybe it’s a relationship, a way of looking at the world, a job, or a place that we live. The question is, do we still need these things? Are they really providing the support and stability that we truly need?

Speaking of reflecting and letting go, we’re coming up on the dark of the moon this week, which is to say the last few days before the Taurus New Moon on May 4. Over the coming days, take time to look back on the previous four weeks, since the last new moon on April 5, a new moon that was about turning points as much as it was about new beginnings. The coming new moon is about taking these new beginnings and making something concrete out of them.

Lastly, also on May 4, I’m teaching a webinar on Astrology for Beginners. If you only know your Sun sign or want to get a solid foundation to build your astrological knowledge, I’m breaking down the twelve signs, the planets, and showing you the first steps in how to put them together. Even if you can’t make the live webinar, you’ll get the video to watch after. Cost is $20 USD. To learn more and to register, click here.

Read More:

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Webinar — Astrology for Beginners

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