Last day of the lunar month, one that began on March 6. Over the last four weeks, under the banner of the sign of Pisces, we’ve had to shed the past, let go, and prepare for the next journey. Tomorrow an Aries New Moon ushers in a new season.

Before we can be reborn in Aries, we have to tie up loose ends today. The last stretch of Pisces reveals what we can’t take with us, even if it’s something tangible as an old belief or way of thinking. Use today to meditate and connect with your inner wisdom. If you’ve been doubting yourself or struggling to have faith, why? These last few degrees of Pisces can feel very emotional, very existential.

Tomorrow the Aries New Moon feels like the starting pistol of a race. With the energy of the new moon pointing towards Mars in Gemini, we’re rushing ahead. We’ve got a million ideas. We have a million choices. The new moon makes what’s called a square to Saturn and Pluto, so for as exuberant and crazy as we feel, we need to make sure we’re staying organized and on plan. If we have a million choices, how do we choose well? If fears are coming up about starting over or starting a new life, how do we sit with them and transform them?

Thankfully the Sun is coming up to a trine to Jupiter in Sagittarius. We have to have faith. In the meantime, don’t push too hard today.

Read More:

April 2019 Horoscopes

Neptune in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Webinar: Uranus in Taurus

Podcast Interview: Working with Difficult Aspects

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