We start the weekend with an Aquarius Moon, one that points to the bonds that connect us to the level of community and society. An idealistic sign, use Aquarius’s energy to get involved in causes or other activities that create a common goal or shared view.

As idealistic as Aquarius can be in its positive expression, Saturn’s imminent retrograde as well as it’s conjunction to Pluto means that we’re also looking at the less than positive side of Aquarius’s groups and society. How can we work towards a common goal if we don’t trust each other? How can we be connected if we’re too afraid to connect?

In other news, Mars squares off with Neptune tomorrow. This is a Mars whose actions can’t be selfish. It has to understand that there are higher causes, higher aspirations. This is a Mars that has to learn to use its will for the good of others this weekend.

As mentioned previously, Saturn turns retrograde on April 29. In short, it’s a weekend of work, responsibilities, and drawing boundaries.

Read More:

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

On Pluto

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