Today’s Capricorn Moon gets us back to reality. Along with the Taurus Sun, it’s a day to work, focus on goals, and get organized, especially if we’ve been neglecting something. Pluto turns retrograde, too. Are we struggling with themes of power and control?

One of the reasons April’s astrology has had an intense vibe is that both Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, both conjunct (aka together) in the sky, turn retrograde. When a planet turns retrograde, it infuses the collective experience with its energy. Mercury Retrograde is known for its classic shenanigans of miscommunication, electronics on the fritz, and upended plans. Pluto, however, deals with the shadowy parts of our psyche as well as our soul.

Self awareness doesn’t happen without effort. Which is to say that through struggle, reflection, and questioning, we ultimately come to a deeper understanding of ourselves. We deepen our consciousness. We see the parts of our unconscious choices, actions, and desires that can at times be self destructive and counter productive. And when we see ourselves, we’re able to make new decisions about how to live our lives.

Pluto is the mirror. Pluto is transformation. This is not light an fluffy astrology. But it’s powerful and can help us heal something on a soul level if we do our homework.

Pluto has been in Capricorn, the sign of structure, responsibility, maturity, and control since 2008. Yes, that’s a long time. (Pluto is not a fast moving planet. It takes 248 years to go around the zodiac.) So there’s a part of our lives that’s needed some powerful work and transformation over the last eleven years. Yes, there seems to always be something demanding our awareness and transformation. But, that is life. We’re here to grow and transform as much as we are here to love and to find ourselves.

Today is a day to face our past decisions and actions. It’s a day to be real with ourselves and choose differently.

Read More:

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

On Pluto

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