What’s in your shadow? What do you not want to look at about yourself? Pluto is the planet that holds the mirror, unflinchingly so. We may not like what we see, but it’s imperative for our evolution. Today, Pluto turns retrograde and we’re before the mirror yet again.
Pluto isn’t an easy energy. There’s times in our lives when we have to face Pluto and do the deep soul level, emotional work. If you are a Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, or Libra, you know what I mean. Your life has been in a state of demolition and rebuild over the last few years, a story that may even go back as to 2008. Ditto if you have major planets or angles in these signs.
As we look into Pluto’s mirror, be mindful of what you are feeling and experiencing this week. How is it indicative of a story or theme that has woven through your life? If you struggle with anger, maybe your rage is more palpable this week. If self worth is an issue, maybe your insecurities feels more crippling? Be brave and face the root of these emotions tucked into your unconscious, using Pluto to turn lead into gold, dark into light.