Welcome to the Aries New Moon! This not only marks the first new moon in the astrological year, but a fresh start for all of us. Aries is the archetype of action. It motivates, encourages, and leads. It reminds us to be ourselves and to find our courage and bravery. The new moon is exact on April 11 at 10:31 pm EDT, 22 degrees Aries. That’s 7:31 pm Los Angeles, 3:31 am London on April 12, 4:31 am Johannesburg, 12:31 pm Sydney, and 2:31 pm Auckland.

When we reach Aries Season, it’s spring here in the northern hemisphere, a renewal of life after the decay and darkness of winter. The buds are on the trees and the first flowers push their way towards the sun. It’s this very energy that is at the heart of today’s new moon, a call to start over, begin something new, or bring life to something.

With the energy of the new moon pointing to Mars in Gemini, things are moving fast, as if we’re impatient after a long winter and we want to rush forward. We’re full of ideas. We’re weighing all our choices and options. We’re on the move. We may be a bit brash with our words or point of view.

Mars is trine Jupiter, too. Perhaps we’re planning grand voyages after a year that kept us close to home. Or, we’re opening up to a greater vision of our lives and ready to take action, encouraged or even emboldened. We’re looking towards the future and we are inspired.

But there’s an interesting story in this new moon. The first is that Mars is opposite the December 14, 2020 solar eclipse degree and it’s quite possible that this new moon and last year’s solar eclipse are inextricably linked, two moments in time that are part of the same story. As a result, we may see some eclipse like energy thread its way through our experiences this April and May. Doors may swiftly close or open. Events may turn us in a new direction. We may experience powerful new beginnings.

The other interesting story is that the new moon squares Pluto in Capricorn, which is just another turn of page in a story that began in January 2008 when Pluto first entered Capricorn and began to tear everything down. It’s possible that in order to move forward we have to  revamp, destroy, or rebuild something. Yes, strong word, but Pluto isn’t a gentle force.

The thing about Pluto is that its job is to get us out of our way by any means possible. It does so by drawing a hard line. It holds a mirror to us so that we can see exactly why we are stuck, whether it’s a fear we’re holding onto or something from the past that we’ve been bound to. Pluto demands that we evolve. If we want a new beginning, we’re going to first have to contend with Pluto. So, the coming days and weeks will be just that — a necessary evolution.

That said, we have support. The new moon is flanked by a pair of sextiles from Mars and Jupiter, a sense of faith and optimism in contrast to Pluto’s soul bending force. Perhaps this will all work out. Somehow.

In the end, Mars’s square to Neptune is a reminder that while we may have plans, often the Universe has others plans. Be open to other plans. Surrender your expectations and ego driven whims. Let the Universe guide, knowing where to pick and choose your battles.

Read More:

Chart of the Aries New Moon, April 11, 2021

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Mars in Gemini: Sign by Sign

Video — The Astrology of April 5-11, 2021

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