Welcome to the Aries Full Moon, the time of the zodiac calendar when the spotlight is on taking action, moving forward, and going after what we want. But tempers may run high, too. The full moon is exact on October 20, 2021 at 10:57 am EDT, 27 degrees Aries-Libra. That’s 7:57 am Los Angeles, 3:57 pm London, 4:57 pm Johannesburg, 1:57 am Sydney on October 21, and 3:57 am Auckland.

Full moons demand attention. They put something in full view and we need to take action or make a choice. An Aries Full Moon can feel like a spark, one that lights a fuse or spurs us to take initiative. Emotions can bubble up, too. We may feel rash or impulsive … or we know exactly what we need to do.

As the compliment to Libra Season, Aries reveals the other side of relationship. While, true, we need to learn to compromise and negotiate when in partnership, something that we learn through Libra, things can’t be so one sided. We have to stand up for ourselves or advocate for our needs. Aries and its ruling planet provides the necessary push and pull.

Then again, Aries is the sign of new beginnings. It marks the start of the zodiac and the start of our journey through the twelve signs. Aries wants us to take this energy and begin something with, whether to go after a new job or relationship or to start a healthy endeavor.

When we follow Mars, the ruler of the full moon, it’s over the Libra, not too far away from the Sun. Whatever natural tension in a full moon may feel amplified. Events may feel sharp. Our need for action and attention that much more. Squaring Mars is Pluto, an aspect that’s known for its immense power to forge and transform something from one state to another.

If the Aries-Libra axis in astrology is inherently relational, then what needs to change is how we connect and interact with one another. Things can’t be out of balance. They certainly can’t be toxic. But, first, we have to take a look at how we play our part, Pluto holding a mirror to us.

But we have support in this full moon, a faith that things will all work out or that an opportunity may present itself. The Sun and Mars make a trine to Jupiter in Aquarius, newly direct. In short, if things get messy and complicated over the next couple of days, have faith that whatever happens will lead you to someplace better.

Just don’t forget to advocate for yourself and your needs.

Read More:

Learn Astrology — Module 1: The Fundamentals of Astrology

Chart of the Aries New Moon, October 20, 2021

Jupiter in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

Mars in Libra: Sign by Sign

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Interview — Replay of IG Live with Melissa of @mindfullymelissa

Video — The Astrology of October 18-24, 2021

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