Welcome to the Aquarius Full Moon. The spotlight is on friends, community, and our goals for the future. Aquarius is a big picture sign that speaks to our shared humanity as well as what divides and separates. The full moon is exact on July 23, 2021 at 10:37 pm EDT, 1 degree Aquarius/Leo. That’s 7:37 pm Los Angeles, 3:37 am London on July 24, 4:37 am Johannesburg, 12:37 pm Sydney, 2:37 pm Auckland.

Full moons are decision points. They demand our attention, often forcing a choice or necessary action. It’s also important to understand this full moon in context with a larger story. Since this full moon is in Aquarius, note that it shares the sign with Saturn, which has been in Aquarius since December 17 of last year.

When Saturn entered Aquarius in 2020, two things happened. First, we entered a 2-3 year period of reexamining how we connect and relate to others on a larger level. This means reevaluating our friendships, building new community, or strengthening existing community. It’s possible that we’ve seen the end of friendships recently, Saturn exposing a root imbalance.

But Aquarius is also society and humanity. And it’s possible that we’ve become more aware of social causes and social inequity or seen how existing systems need to be rebuilt and reformed. We also feel more distant than ever or more aware of how everything and everyone is connected.

The second thing that happened was that Saturn in Aquarius began to activate a square to Uranus in Taurus. A square is a dynamic energy, the friction that comes with two energies having different agendas but have to work together. As a result, two areas of our lives are in competition, exposing where we need to find resolution.

So this full moon not only activates stories that began in 2020 as well as 2018-2019, the years that Uranus entered Taurus, but this full moon marks one of the points in the story where things come to a head.

An analogy that I’ve been using over and over again is that in 2021 we have one foot in a new life, one foot in an old life. And this full moon is making us feel the tension between these two halves. How do we resolve it.

For some, we’re using this full moon to make a decision or head off in a new direction. For others, we’re trying to grapple with a new life that’s coming in despite our attempts to hold onto the old.

It’s worth keeping in mind that this isn’t the only full moon in Aquarius this year. This one will be followed in a month’s time by a full moon at 29 Aquarius on August 22. Whatever comes up around the time of this full moon may not be resolved until next month.

In the meantime, be aware that something has to shift this year. Allow yourself to step out of the old you so you can be more open to a different if not better future.

Read More:

Chart of the Aquarius Full Moon, July 25, 2021

Saturn in Aquarius: Building Humanity

Saturn in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Earthquake

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Newsletter — The Astrology of July 19-25, 2021

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