It’s Aries Season. It’s a time for new beginnings, fresh starts, and the renewal of life. But this isn’t your usual Aries Season. In the midst of major world change, we’re having to stay put. How do we move forward in this new time? What’s our future hold?

Back in March we had a major time shift. For those who don’t know, Saturn arrived in Aquarius for the first time since 1994. It’s as if one of the big hands on the cosmic clock started to point towards a new hour, one that highlights community and social connection, science and technology as well as the needs of humanity.

Mars also is in Aquarius this month, helping us to plant seeds for this new area. Depending on where Aquarius is in our chart, we may be seeing a lot of change and movement, a herald of this new time. We’re also motivated and challenged to take action. (Not sure where Aquarius is in your chart? Read my Saturn in Aquarius: Sign by Sign guide.)

That said, Venus arrives in Gemini on April 3, a sign that it will be in for four months versus its usual three to four weeks. This means that we’re getting ready for Venus Retrograde. And while Venus is quite flirty and playful in Gemini, loving to socialize and connect, we may have to do that virtually this month because of social distancing and the pandemic.

Keep an eye on a powerhouse alignment of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn on April 4, something that happens every 12 years. (For reference, the last time Jupiter and Pluto aligned was December 2007.) Since a lot of our world events in February and March coincided with major planetary alignments in Capricorn, we may see a new phase unfold this month. Jupiter and Pluto can also speak to wealth and power as well as material riches, it also is putting intense pressure on us to transform.

Speaking of which, a Libra Full Moon on April 7 puts the spotlight on relationship and cooperation. But strong aspects to Pluto and Jupiter may confront and challenge. With Venus, the ruler of the full moon, in Gemini, we have to seek out new perspectives, new ideas, and a new vision on things. We need to awaken to something, too, as Mars makes a square to Uranus.

When Mercury finally gets to Aries on April 11 (it spent much of February and March in Pisces), we’re feeling this new time even more. We want action. We want to move. We’re also feeling impatient. But we may be turning the corner with something as Mercury squares the Lunar Nodes on April 12.

The Sun arrives in Taurus on April 19 and we kick off a new season, one that’s about fertility and pleasure, money and resource. Taurus is a sign that’s seen a lot of change in the last year or so since Uranus arrived in Taurus back on March 2019. Wherever Taurus is in your chart has likely seen some tectonic shifts which are more noticeable if you are a Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius. (For a refresher, read my Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign guide.)

So when the Sun meets up with Uranus on April 24, just after the new moon, we’re reminded again that something has to radically shift. We need to reinvent and awaken. We need to get out of our comfort zone and out of our way. Pluto’s retrograde shift on April 25 is another reminder that the world is moving even if we want to stand still.

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With you during these times.

Read for your Sun and rising sign. If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, dates listed below may be for the day ahead according to your time zone.

DATES TO NOTE: 4/3 Venus in Gemini, Mercury conjunct Neptune; 4/4 Jupiter conjunct Pluto, Venus trine Saturn; 4/7 Full Moon 18 Libra, Mars square Uranus, Mercury sextile Pluto, Mercury sextile Jupiter; 4/8 Mars sextile Chiron; 4/10 Venus sextile Chiron; 4/11 Mercury in Aries, Mars sextile Saturn; 4/12 Mercury square Nodes; 4/14 Sun square Pluto; 4/15 Mercury conjunct Chiron, Sun square Jupiter; 4/18 Mercury sextile Mars, Mercury sextile Venus; 4/19 Sun in Taurus; 4/21 Sun square Saturn; 4/22 New Moon 3 Taurus; 4/25 Mercury square Pluto, Pluto Retrograde 25 Capricorn; 4/26 Mercury square Jupiter, Sun conjunct Uranus; 4/27 Mercury in Taurus; 4/28 Mercury square Saturn; 4/30 Mercury conjunct Uranus.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

Let’s have a check-in, Aries. How are you doing? Let’s look back for a moment. Mars, your ruling planet, was in Capricorn from February through March and during that time it was likely you were working hard as well as navigating some ups and downs. With March’s intense astrology, you may have seen some major shifts in your professional life. That said, as you step into April, you’re in a new time. It’s as if a major hand on your personal clock changed hours, pointing you towards community, connection, friendships, and social causes. Can you feel the change? If you’re stuck indoors right now (#quarantine), you may be wondering how you’re going to focus on connection and friendship right now. Nevertheless, you’ll need to adapt. How will you build stronger social connections while social distancing? How will you strengthen your friendships? How will you find new community or rally behind a social cause? Here’s the thing. Saturn, the planet of lessons, work, and maturity, is now in Aquarius and, over the next few months, it’s auditing your friendships and alliances. It’s important for you to take a serious look at your social circle. The idea is that, by 2023, when Saturn finishes its time Aquarius, that you have rock solid friendships or at least have put the work into creating more connection. Saturn doesn’t like unbalanced friendships. It doesn’t like people who are not truly committed. It’s possible that friends are leaving your life over the next few months. Nothing like a world pandemic for you to see who’s truly a part of your life and who is not. On the flip side, you may be pleasantly surprised at how social distancing and other disruptions are in fact forcing you to connect with friends that you wouldn’t normally have time for. That said, I haven’t forgotten that it’s your birthday season. Happy birthday! What a time we’re living in! (If your birthday was on or around the March 24 Aries New Moon, the coming year is going to be one of powerful new beginnings.) With Venus, your relationship planet, in Gemini starting April 3, you may be getting a lot of texts and messages and calls from people throughout the month. And, if you can’t socialize in person, you may find yourself very busy with virtual socialization plans. Note that Venus will be in Gemini until August, an unusual amount of time, so relationships and relationship choices will be a theme for the coming months. Speaking of relationships, a full moon on April 7 puts a partnership in the spotlight. It’s a time to make a decision about a connection, to reach out to others, or deal with a situation that has come up. The energy of this full moon is a bit confrontational and unpredictable, to be honest, one that may force you to take the next step up in a relationship or choose to leave one behind. Mercury also finally gets into Aries on April 11, giving you a renewed sense of vitality and animation as well as a restless need to move and connect. By April 19 the Sun moves into Taurus and it’s time to slow down. The rest of April is about money and material need, value and security. It’s about enjoying life as well as making time for the pleasures of life as well. The Taurus New Moon on April 22 may bring some surprises in the following four weeks, pushing you to innovate new ways to earn a living or confronting you on what your values, especially anything that you’re holding onto from the past that’s no longer serving you. Hang in there, Aries! Want a deeper look at how April will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Friends, allies, social circle, social connection, community, networks, social causes, politics, the future, looking ahead, groups, hopes, dreams, professional transformation, career, milestones, responsibility, new directions, new futures, leadership, intellectual authority, relationships, other people, partnership, relationship choices, relationship connection, money, income, stability, security, value, worth, getting out of comfort zone, financial reinvention, financial innovation.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

Kind of a weird time, isn’t it Taurus? Aries Season is already your season for rest and retreat. So, as you pull back from the world, know that this is the time in your personal calendar to do so. Don’t push. If you’re tired and have the luxury to rest, then rest. It’s also a time when you’re searching inward for answers and meaning to life’s deeper questions. When the world quickly shifts its axis, suddenly the things that meant so much to you before don’t right now. It’s important to acknowledge that Taurus is an earth sign and you have a deep need to gather, save, and stock up on food and supplies. When Venus arrives in Gemini on April 3, where it will stay for an extended period of time (until August!), you may have more of an instinct to gather (or hoard) than usual. Here’s the thing. One of the beautiful things about Taurus is that it’s a sign whose instinct is to care for and preserve life. Maybe you’re reacting to this time by cooking more. Maybe you’re reaching out to loved ones. Maybe you’re working a little bit harder to make sure life stays up and running. That said, let’s not forget that there was a big shift last month astrologically. Saturn’s now in Aquarius, your career sign. So, as you negotiate all these ups and downs of late, there’s also a bigger theme looming – your professional life. As in, what do you want to be when you grow up? What role do you want to play in the world? What ambitions are you working towards? Mind you, Saturn’s only going to be in Aquarius the next few months as it dips in and out of the sign of community, networks, technology, and science. But, pay attention to what’s going on in April in this part of your life. Seeds are being planted. New stories are beginning that will come into greater focus later this year when Saturn returns in Aquarius in December 2020. Another thing to file away in your mind is that Saturn requires commitment, accountability, responsibility, maturity, and hard work. This is going to be your mantra over the next two years. With Mars also in Aquarius this month, it’s possible that your professional life is very busy or demands your immediate attention. Then on April 7, a full moon lights up your sign of health and wellness. As a result, you need to focus on your physical health this month. While it’s not possible with the pandemic to get a regular check up, you may instead use April to take a look at how you take care of your body and recommit to self care. Maybe you’re starting a virtual exercise regimen. Maybe you’re scheduling a telemedicine appointment with a healthcare practitioner. Maybe you’re looking at new recipes for healthier eating. Self care also means tending to personal rituals and daily habits. Since Aries Season is a time of rest for you, this may include focusing on meditation and spirituality this month. Or, you’re looking inward and discovering limiting or damaging beliefs that it’s time to let go of. By April 19 the Sun arrives in Taurus and it’s the start of your season, one that kicks off with a Taurus New Moon on April 22. Do keep in mind — and this is something we’ve been talking about for a while now – that Uranus is also in Taurus and will be there until 2025-2026. You’re in a time of profound reinvention. Just look back to where you were in 2018. A lot has likely shifted since then. So as you celebrate another birthday this year, especially if you’re born on or near April 26, know that this isn’t a year to maintain the status quo or keep doing the same thing you’ve been doing. No, having Uranus in your sign means that it’s time for a personal revolution. It’s time to do something radical. You have to have the courage to be yourself. While Taurus has a beautiful instinct to preserve life, that same instinct can keep it overly safe to the point of stagnation. So, as you blow out the candles on another birthday cake, resolve to finally do what you’ve been putting off forever. Get out of your comfort zone. And get out of your own way. Want a deeper look at how April will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Rest, retreat, spirituality, meditation, reflection, inner search, inner answers, dreams, intuition, spiritual health, physical health, wellness, taking care of the body, diet, fitness, nutrition, rituals, daily habits, organization, work, projects, career, professional life, ambitions, career change, responsibility, taking a step up, title, status, public reputation, money, income, material needs, material stability, value, worth.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

Do you feel a shift, Gemini. Do things feel a little lighter or less emotionally heavy? When Saturn changed signs on March 25, it finally left Capricorn, your sign of deep emotional transformation and the lessons that go with it. It’s quite possible that 2018-2020 were difficult or emotionally challenging years. But, believe it or not, it was a necessary step in your growth and evolution through the wheel of life. Yes, there’s a lot of uncertainty in the world and maybe you’re wondering what this means for you, but one of the focuses in April is this bigger question of what do you believe in? How has the last two years shaped and forged how you see yourself and how you see the world? Mars in Aquarius all month long may have you searching for answers. Maybe you’re taking (online) classes, searching books, or reading up on different ideology, philosophies, or even religions. The irony to this time is that with both Mars and Saturn in Aquarius right now, this would be the perfect time to travel or go on a long distance journey abroad. Mind you, no one is going anywhere right now. So, you’ll have to settle for virtual exploration at the moment. Plus, you may be pondering what life will be life after the pandemic. Making plans for the future and maybe even considering going back to school or getting enrolled in courses that will help you take the next step in your professional life. The other thing this month is that it’s Aries Season and this is the time for you to focus on friends, your community, and building your social network. You may be on a lot of video calls this month if socializing in person is verboten. It’s important to have people around you who understand you and with whom you can have smart and engaging conversations right now. Let’s not forget that Jupiter meets up with Pluto on April 4. Pay attention to any themes coming up around relationship and career, especially anything around power and control and anything hidden or behind the scenes. Then on April 11, Mercury, your ruling planet, finally gets out of Pisces and into Aries, giving you a much needed boost. The other news this month is that Venus arrives in Gemini on April 3, a sign that it will be in until August! This is actually an unusual amount of time as Venus usually spends a month in a sign. That said, Venus will be giving you charm and grace and style for a while. You’re feeling social and chatty as a result. You’re more focused on your appearance or beauty. People may be noticing you more. (Lookin’ good on those Zoom calls, Gemini!) Speaking of looking good, a Libra Full Moon on April 7 puts creativity, talent, and self expression in the spotlight. It’s a full moon to be you and to be seen. Make sure you’re getting your talents out there into the world. By April 19, the Sun arrives in Taurus and it’s the start of a four week period of rest, reflection, and recharge. You’re nearing your own birthday season and the weeks before represent the end of a journey and a cycle. What have you learned since this time last year? What do you want to shed and let go of? The new moon on April 22 gives you the opportunity to make a break with the past, put light on things that have previously been unconscious, and to tend to your spiritual health. Although there’s lots of indicators that April is busy and social, even if virtually, it’s still a time to make sure you’re looking inwards, asking yourself the bigger questions, and potentially making big changes in career and relationship. Want a deeper look at how April will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Virtual travel, virtual exploration, education, faith, truth, meaning, belief, philosophy, ideology, intelligence, worldview, convictions, right and wrong, legal matters, friends, community, social circle, groups, alliances, social causes, virtual social connection, the future, looking ahead, charm, grace, beauty, negotiation, career, professional life, relationships, responsibility.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

Let’s take stock of things, Cancer, because it’s been a bit of a wild ride for the past however many months. First, let’s acknowledge last month’s shift when Saturn finally left your relationship sign of Capricorn for the first time since the start of 2018. As a result, what shifted in your relationships in March? How have you learned to connect to people differently over the years? March may have brought a test of your relationships and partnerships or how you connect and socialize. How did you do? The other thing to take stock of is that the eclipses have been in your sign since 2018, so life has more than likely switched up. Since we have this moment together, I just want to put something on your radar. There are two more eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn coming up, one on June 21 and the other on July 5. So even as you switch into a new chapter this month, note that you’re wrapping up a much bigger story in the middle of this year. Okay? So, what about April? We all know that things are a bit crazy at the moment. So do you feel any fears coming up? Any insecurities? With both Saturn and Mars in your sign of deep emotions, you may be feeling a push to go deep into yourself and into the different cracks and crevices of your psyche. It’s important that you have emotional support right now, especially if you feel world events destabilizing you emotionally. This many mean reaching out to a virtual therapist or counselor or someone else you implicitly trust. In fact, you’re going to need to start making a more serious effort to tend to your emotional health and wellbeing over the next few years, but think of April as well as May and June as a time to take healthy initiatives and to plant seeds towards future emotional transformation work. That said, it’s Aries Season, which means it’s time to focus on career, ambition, and direction. While this is the natural time in your personal calendar to get new work or make a change in your professional life, current world events may be influencing the picture, touching on deeper themes around power and trust, money and finance. Keep an eye on the days around April 14-15 for shifts or events related to these themes. While April is a lot about career, it’s also about home and family, the foundation that your worldly ambitions rest on. An emotional full moon on April 7 puts home in the spotlight. You may be making a change in the home or a change in the living situation or dealing with a family matter. There’s a deeper theme at play around needing to let go of and heal the past. The second half of the month, when the Sun arrives in Taurus on April 19, turns you towards friendships and community. While it may be hard to connect in person these days, Taurus Season is a time to nurture and nourish your friendships, whether via a video call or other ways of reaching out. You may be interested in social causes and other humanitarian issues as well. This is an area of your life that’s demanding bigger changes and reinventions over the coming years. Perhaps the silver lining to everything turning upside down is that you can make new friends and allies through online groups and meetings. Be open to new opportunities to be yourself and express who you are, especially after the Taurus New Moon on April 22. Want a deeper look at how April will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, professional life, job, responsibilities, direction, ambition, status, changes in job, home, family, parents, roots, foundation, the past, memories, facing fears, the deep self, deep feelings, the psyche, emotional health and wellbeing, finance, assets, debt, wealth, taxes, faith, truth, meaning, beliefs, relationships, friendships, social circle, social network, community, social causes, humanity, collective, the future, looking ahead.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

It’s a little ironic that Aries Season is travel season for you and here you are and it’s quite possible that you’re not going anywhere. How can you travel in other ways? Is it daydreaming about a future trip abroad? Is it using your time at home to seek out other lands through books and documentaries? Nevertheless, you’re feeling a pull to explore this month. Education is also on the agenda and, as a result, you may be taking online classes or focusing on larger questions of education that go beyond quarantine. A full moon on April 7 puts learning as well as communication and information in the spotlight. It’s possible that you’re hearing big news or having an important conversation with someone. But there’s a bigger story unfolding in April, one that takes you over the coming months and into the next three years. That story is about relationships. See, back on March 21, Saturn arrived in your relationship sign of Aquarius, a sign that it will be in for the next three months before returning in December. What this means is that from now until July 1 you’re getting a preview of the next three years. Saturn is a planet that demands work, commitment, and accountability. So, with that in mind, how are your relationships? (This includes all relationships, not just intimate or romantic ones.) Do they need work? Do you have a hard time connecting with people? Or are you feeling a pull to get into a serious relationship if you’re not in one already? Astrology teaches us about time and now is the time to focus on other people as well as learning how to negotiate, socialize, and partner. As you begin April, Mars is also in Aquarius, bringing life to this nascent story. Yes, it’s hard to socialize while in quarantine, but pay attention to who’s in and out of your life in April, even if it’s virtually. In another world, I would be saying that this is a powerful month for you to go out and meet new people, but it just may have to happen in non traditional ways. On the flip side, if there is an issue that has been simmering in an existing relationship, it may flare up and demand attention this month, especially around the full moon on April 7. Let’s not forget that you’re in a larger period of time of professional reinvention and career change. Some of your experiences with other people this month, whether they are challenging or not, may relate back to this bigger story of career. Speaking of which, when the Sun arrives in Taurus on April 19, you’re in a new season, one that is all about your professional life. Over the coming weeks, especially after the new moon on April 22, you may see a job change or a push to go in a new direction, especially one that is quite different than the one you’ve been on. I’ve been saying this to my Leo clients for the past two years — what do you want to be when you grow up? Because if 2020 is teaching you anything is that life is short to not be doing what you love or what fulfills a deeper purpose. When the Sun meets up with Uranus in Taurus on April 26, it’s a day for personal reinvention and revolution. You’re a Leo, after all. Dare to be yourself. And don’t be afraid to shake up the status quo. Want a deeper look at how April will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Exploration, search, truth, meaning, virtual travel, faith, philosophy, worldview, right and wrong, legal matters, education, classes, learning, relationships, other people, partnership, socialization, social connection, negotiation, compromise, career, public life, professional life, job change, new direction, career reinvention, public reinvention.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

If there’s a story that’s emerging for April is how important it is to take care of yourself — body, mind, and soul. This month is Aries Season, which means that it’s the time in your personal calendar to focus on your emotional health. This means taking the time to delve into the deepest parts of yourself, face yourself, and assess what needs healing and work. Maybe you’re reaching out to a (virtual) counselor or someone to talk to this month. It certainly would be a wise use of the astrology. But with Mars and Saturn now in Aquarius, the healing needs to be holistic or multidimensional. Let me explain. On March 21, Saturn arrived in Aquarius for the first time in nearly 30 years. It’s as if a big hand on a clock is now pointing towards Aquarius, telling you that over the next few years, health and wellness will be a major priority. But what does it mean to be healthy? Is there a link between your emotional health and your physical health? Do you need to take better care of yourself? Do you need to make a change in your diet to support your emotional body? April is showing you that the emotional body and the physical body are inexorably linked and that you need to take care of both. Does any of this ring a bell? No time like the present to start taking action. Yes, you’re likely in quarantine – hopefully safe and well! — but what steps towards positive health can you take? Start a daily virtual exercise class? Cook new meals or start an elimination diet? Make a virtual appointment with a healthcare practitioner? Clean out the fridge or cabinets of old or spoiled items? That said, Venus arrives in Gemini on April 3, putting an emphasis on career and giving you support in your professional ambitions for the next four months. If your career has been a bit stagnant since February, things can start moving forward once Mercury gets into Aries on April 11. A full moon on April 7 puts money and income in the spotlight. As a result, you may need to make a decision or take action in regards to your financial life or how you earn a living. There may be deeper themes at play, too, ones that touch on value and worth and your beliefs around what you’re worth. Speaking of beliefs, this is a bigger theme in your life, this reexamining how you see everything, which began back in 2018-2019. Is it possible that you’re in your own way? When the Sun arrives in Taurus on April 19, it’s a reminder that you’re in a longer period of your life, until 2025-2026 when you have to have a revolution in how you see yourself and how you see the world. The Sun’s conjunction to Uranus on April 24 is meant to further open your awareness and understanding. Normally this would be your season to travel and see the world, but you’re likely going to have to settle for books, ideas, and perspectives that illuminate. Be open to a lightbulb moment, especially something that reveals something hidden within. Want a deeper look at how April will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, emotional health, somatic health, alternative health, the deep self, facing yourself, facing your shadow, power, control, intimacy, sexuality, secrets, work, projects, career, direction, responsibility, money, income, value, worth, spending, material needs, ownership, awakening, new visions, new perspective, faith, truth, meaning, belief, philosophy, education, virtual travel, journey, exploration.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

Can you feel the shift, Libra? Yes, there’s a lot of stuff going on in the world right now, but at least Saturn is out of your sign of home and family. Maybe the last two years were a bit heavy. Maybe you made a lot of changes on the home front since the start of 2018. Now it’s in Aquarius, a sign that is a bit more supportive of you. But Saturn is not without its demands. See, over the next few years, you need to take yourself seriously. You need to create, express, and share your talents. It’s part of a deeper lesson right now. With Mars also in Aquarius this month, you’re hopefully feeling extra motivated to do so. If you’re stuck at home in quarantine, can you spend some of your time cultivating your creativity and joy? Yes, this is a time for serious fun as well as new ideas and new perspectives. (Children and pregnancy may be highlighted, too, if that’s something that’s relevant.) While themes of creativity and talent are part of a bigger story now emerging, Aries Season is relationship season, which means it’s time to turn to the other people in your life. Yes, we’re in a time of social distancing so our socialization may be a bit limited at the moment, but take stock of who is currently in your life. Reach out to them. Cultivate a stronger connection. If you’re in an intimate relationship, make time for romance. Listen to a partner. If you’re single, how can you make use of this time to connect with new people? That said, Venus, your ruling planet, moves into Gemini on April 3, a sign that it will be in for four months. All things considered, you may be feeling flirty and playful and social in the coming weeks and months. You also may be feeling restless and, in another world, this would be the perfect time to travel and explore. For now, you’ll have to settle for virtual travel. Maybe a travel documentary or something else that brings the world to your home. It’s also a time to focus on education, which may be best for distance and virtual learning at the moment. (Note that Venus will be retrograde from May 13-June 25, a time when you need to pull back instead of move forward.) On April 7 a Libra Full Moon puts you in the spotlight. Again, be creative. Share your talents. Find your confidence. When the Sun moves into Taurus on April 19, it’s a reminder that you’re in a longer period of time when you need to work deeply on yourself. If it’s not completely clear what that looks like, pay attention to the days around April 22-24. Notice any feelings coming up? Fears? Issues around intimacy? Or dealing with the parts of yourself that are actively working against you? The overarching theme for the next few years is emotional liberation. Be ready to dive into yourself later this month and be open to a radical new way of feeling. Want a deeper look at how April will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, other people, social connection, interaction, negotiation, compromise, partnership, the self, self expression, identity, persona, talent, performance, creativity, fun, play, children, pregnancy, beliefs, truth, faith, meaning, worldview, deep work, deep emotions, deep self, the psyche, intimacy, trust, vulnerability, sexuality, power, control, emotional liberation, emotional health, emotional transformation, money, finance, assets.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

It’s a new time, Scorpio. The Saturn hand on the cosmic clock just ticked into a new hour, one that will point you towards Aquarius, towards home and family, towards putting down roots over the next few years. With Mars in Aquarius also this month, you may be feeling this push to nest even more. I mean, you’re likely spending a lot of time at home this month because of quarantine, so you might as well start to take inventory and make use of this time. Here’s the bigger question, Scorpio. What does home and family mean to you? Something complicated? Painful. Or something that you’re searching for? Regardless of your past experiences, home and family — at least on an archetypical level — form the foundation of life. It’s the support, nourishing you and your greater ambitions. If you are spending a lot of time at home in April, look around. What changes do you want to make so that it reflects the sort of support that you want in life? This would usually be a time in your personal calendar when you’re thinking or planning a move. In fact, it’s possible that you’ll make a major move at some point over the next few years, but for now focus on where you are. It’s the perfect time to start projects in the home, including organizing and a bit of spring cleaning out as the tectonic plates in your life ready for another shift. Yes, things are beginning to move and shake again. Now that Mars is in Aquarius, it’s squaring off with Uranus in Taurus this month, a planet that’s been moving things around in your life since March 2019, if not before. With Uranus in your opposing sign of Taurus, you’re in a six year period of needing to shake up the status quo and reinvent your life. Nothing like the disruption of a global quarantine to get you out of the status quo and open to new things. A Libra Full Moon on April 7 puts the spotlight on retreat as well as reflection. It’s time for you to search deep within yourself to identify what’s in your way, what your blocks are. And it’s time for you to let a lot of deep stuff go so you can make space for this new life opening up post quarantine. That said, we can’t forget that it’s Aries Season, a time in your personal calendar to focus on health, wellness, and taking care of your body. You may be thinking about starting a new (at home) fitness regimen. (There are so many online classes right now!) Or looking to make a positive change in your diet and nutrition. How can you create optimal health during this time out? The major area of your life that’s going to be seeing a lot of change over the coming years is relationships — how you connect, socialize, interact, and even do romantic partnerships. When the Sun arrives in Taurus on April 19, it’s a reminder that the tectonic plates are shifting and moving. Mind you, it’s possible that you’re still stuck at home. Nevertheless, the astrology keeps spinning. Pay attention to what’s going on, who’s connecting and reaching out or entering your life in the last couple of weeks of April especially around the new moon on April 22. If you’re in an existing relationship, how does it need to change? If you’re not in a relationship and want one, what’s the most radical thing you can do right now? Be open to new possibilities, even in this time of uncertainty. Want a deeper look at how April will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, roots, foundation, emotional connection, emotional safety, past, memories, ancestors, parents, living situation, projects in the home, spring cleaning, organization, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, work, job, schedule, routine, daily life, practice, skill, letting go, spiritual health, the unconscious, retreat, reflection, rest, recuperation, inner search, relationships, other people, partnership, connection, socialization, negotiation, compromise.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius Glyph

It’s intense times, Sagittarius. Can you feel it? Let’s get some perspective. The last couple of years have been about money and resources, which is to say, your experiences have been driven by a need to create more material stability in your life and gather the resources you need. With four planets in your money sign of Capricorn — sometimes more — along with eclipses, this part of your life has maybe seen some ups and downs. Hopefully you’ve gained a lot of wisdom and made some positive shifts in response to this time. Here’s the thing. Jupiter, your ruling planet, is still in Capricorn and it’s in a long conjunction to Pluto all month long. In English, this means that things are about to get more intense. Pluto is putting pressure on you to transform, to find your power, to find your wealth. It’s the pressure to turn carbon into diamond, as if to say all your hard work over the past two years (if not the past 12 years) has led to this. I mention this in case you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed. I know there’s a lot going on in the world and it’s Sagittarius’s preference to have the freedom to come and go as you please, but it’s likely you’re at home just like everyone else. (One day you’ll be able to travel again!) So keep an eye on April 4, April 14-15, and April 25-26. These are your power days, days for you to do your transformation work. That said, it’s Aries Season, the time in your personal calendar to create, play, and express who you are. And with Aries pointing back to Mars in Aquarius this month, you may have something important to say. Make sure you’re being heard. In fact, voice and communication is going to be a big focus over the next few years. You may discover that this is a month to choose your words wisely or speak with authority. A Libra Full Moon puts the bigger picture in perspective as you get a glimpse of your future. It’s also putting the spotlight on friendships and social connections. While this would usually be a full moon to get out and socialize, that may be a bit difficult at the moment. Instead, connect virtually with your community. Wave to neighbors from afar. Get on a video call with friends. Speaking of socializing, Venus’s arrival in Gemini on April 3 means that this is a time when you’re feeling a pull to connect, make new friends, and even flirt. (Virtual flirting?) In fact, Venus will spend 4 months in Gemini, your relationship sign. Hopefully, when this is all over, you can still enjoy social butterfly Venus. If you are already in quarantine with a loved one, Venus softens the stress and makes for a more harmonious connection. Lastly, let’s not forget that when the Sun arrives in Taurus on April 19, you’re stepping into a season that’s all about focusing on health and wellness, an area of your life that’s likely seen some noticeable changes since March 2019. A new moon on April 22 followed by the Sun’s alignment to Uranus on April 24 is a reminder to make some positive, radical changes in your health if you can. This could include a change in diet, starting a new online fitness class, or shaking up something about how you take care of your body. Work may be shifting, too, if it hasn’t already in the last year. In all, do what you can Sag. Even though you may be stuck at home, the astrology keeps moving. And you’re an adaptable sign, which is an asset in these times. Want a deeper look at how April will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: The self, self expression, persona, identity, creativity, talent, voice, communication, speaking, writing, ideas, learning, information, education, children, value, worth, money, income, material needs, material stability, wealth, finances, assets, ownership, power, control, trust, transformation, pressure, transmutation, relationships, other people, partnership, socialization, friends, community, networks, the future, looking ahead, social causes, health, wellness, diet, fitness, taking care of the body, nutrition, work, projects.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn Glyph

How does it feel not having Saturn in Capricorn anymore? Like a weight has been lifted? Or are you still sorting things out. True, there have been a lot of planets in Capricorn lately, each speaking to a complicated and sometimes difficult process of transformation. While Mars and Saturn have moved out of Capricorn and into Aquarius, speaking to the start of a larger story around money, value, and material needs, Jupiter and Pluto are still in your sign. These two planets make a rare conjunction on April 4, an aspect that speaks of rebirth and transformation. At this point you know Pluto quite well. It’s been in Capricorn since 2008, tearing you down and reconstructing you in the years since. Jupiter can make things bigger. It can conflate and exacerbate something that’s already going on. Or … it can feel like a saving grace, a last minute miracle when you most need it. Hopefully there’s some saving graces for you in the first part of April. Yes, the world is a bit upside down at the moment and you, like many others, may be staying at home. If you have down time this month, do some self reflection. What are the hidden or quiet parts of yourself that want to come to the surface? That said, you may actually be busy with work and projects in April as Venus, your career planet, settles into Gemini for a four month stay. As a result, you may feel like you’re juggling a lot of things to do, especially for work and other responsibilities. Speaking of work, a full moon on April 7 puts your career in the spotlight. You may have a decision to make about your professional life, such as going after new work or needing to make some serious decisions about money and how you earn a living. With Mars mixed up with the full moon energies, too, you may also need to make a major decision about where to live or something about home and family. In fact, Aries Season is your time to focus on the home, very fitting considering the times we live in. Maybe you’re also using the time to assess what you own, what you have in stock, and what you need to have in the home. When the Sun changes signs on April 19, kicking off Taurus Season, you move in a time when it’s about creativity, talent, and expressing who you are. Remember, you’re in a bigger period of time of reinventing who you are and how you express who you are. The Taurus New Moon and the Sun’s annual meetup with Uranus is a time to break free, awaken, and liberate. Lastly, Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn on April 25, an energy that again calls on you to reform, transform, and to rebuild. Take care of yourself, Capricorn. Want a deeper look at how April will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, living situation, where to live, a move, roots, foundation, purchases for the home, value, worth, self worth, spending, income, salary, money, earning a living, career, professional life, in the spotlight, status, reputation, work, projects, job, self expression, identity, creativity, persona, children, transformation, rebirth, power, expansion, growth, the shadow self, the hidden self.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

Here’s to powerful new beginnings, Aquarius. Maybe you’re feeling it … maybe you’re not. But when Saturn crossed into Aquarius on March 21 followed by Mars on March 30, you entered a new time in your life, one that will last years if not decades. I know the world is a bit upside down now, so you may be trying to find your footing in all of this, but I want you to look at this month as a time to plant seeds for this new life. As an Aquarius, you’re so good at peering beyond the horizon and anticipating trends. With that in mind, what do you want your future to look like? That said, you may find it hard to sit still with Mars in Aquarius all month long. Make sure you give this energy a physical outlet, even if you are stuck at home. This may include work, projects, and initiatives or starting something new. If this energy doesn’t have an outlet, you may find yourself getting frustrated, impatient, or even argumentative. Just a heads up. That said, it’s Aries Season, a time in your calendar when normally we would be talking about travel, especially long distance or even foreign travel. Obviously no one is traveling right now, so how will you connect with that energy in other ways? Watch a travel documentary or read a book at a far away land? Learn about different cultures, different perspectives, or different philosophies? It’s also a time for you to examine your convictions. What do you believe in or still have faith in? The full moon on April 7 puts these bigger questions in the spotlight and you may be searching for meaning in this crazy time. This season also talks about creativity and if you’re the sort that writes or journals, you may be getting a lot of inspiration. So, pay attention to what’s coming in intuitively. Pay attention to your dreams and anything else bubbling up inside. The hidden parts of yourself are trying to talk to you. When Mercury arrives in Aries on April 11, it may be even harder to sit still or stay quiet. Again, make sure you have a healthy (and pandemic appropriate) outlet for your energy. When the Sun arrives in Taurus on April 19, you enter a season meant to bring you back home, towards your roots, towards family, and to the nest. Here’s something important to keep in mind. Ever since Uranus arrived in Taurus back in March 2019, you’ve been in a time where you’ve been totally reinventing what home and family mean. Maybe you’ve made a major move in the last year or so. Maybe you’re in the midst of a home renovation. Maybe being stuck at home has reminded you that you need to make a major change in this area of your life. Pay attention to what’s coming up, especially around April 22-24 when we have the Taurus New Moon followed by an electric lineup of the Sun and Uranus. If home and everything that it represents no longer supports and nurtures you — maybe it never did — how will you use this powerful time in humanity to make a lasting change? Some food for thought, Aquarius. Again, you’re in a new life. Plant those seeds. Want a deeper look at how April will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: New beginnings, new cycles, new time, moving forward, taking action, leadership, motivation, movement, restlessness, impatience, arguments, virtual travel, information, ideas, learning, education, virtual classes, choices, communication, writing, speaking, listening, faith, truth, meaning, beliefs, philosophy, worldview, convictions, right and wrong, home, family, living situation, roots, foundation, parents, past, memories.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

Let’s talk about some big picture stuff, Pisces. Every year your ruling planet Jupiter travels through a different zodiac sign, which means that every year is like a new chapter, a new lens in which to experience life. 2019 was all about career, ambition, and taking on new responsibilities. This year, however, is different because Jupiter is now in Capricorn, pointing you towards community, friendship, and social connection. It’s a time to go out into the world … which is a bit hard to do in an age of social distancing. So, how do you adapt? How do you continue to build community and social connections in the virtual world. Let’s not forget that Saturn is now in Aquarius as of late last month, a major shift in your personal clock. You’ve entered a time meant to be about retreat, reflection, and building spirituality. With Mars also in Aquarius this month, don’t be surprised if you’re feeling a little low on energy or if you need to sleep more. This may also be the perfect time to meditate, especially as the world has hit pause at the moment. That said, this month is really pushing you to change. When Jupiter meets up with Pluto on April 3, you’re feeling an intense pressure to deconstruct and rebuild. When this pandemic is over — and it will be over at some point — how will you transform yourself to meet this new era that will emerge? It’s also Aries Season, so you’re thinking about resources and material needs. This is usually your season to focus on money — how you earn it, how you spend it — and all the shifts in the world may have you looking at your bank account as well as what you own in a new light. Do you have enough? Do you need to stock up? Mercury’s arrival in Aries on April 11 may kick that need up a notch as you gather supplies and fill your cabinets with essentials. Speaking of money, a full moon on April 7 highlights your sign of finance, assets, and wealth. You’re looking at bank statements and credit cards, figuring out taxes, and looking at what financial avenues are available to you. The full moon also tugs on deep emotions, shining a spotlight on fears, insecurities, and anything else that’s in your psyche during this time of world uncertainty. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself, Pisces, taking extra measure to stay rooted and grounded during this time. Reach out to friends virtually if you are feeling alone or stressed. Find community to feel supported during this time. The Sun’s arrival in Taurus on April 19 followed by a Taurus New Moon puts you in a new season, one focused on your voice, your mind, and how you communicate. Don’t forget, you’re in the midst of a six year story of reinventing your voice and awakening to new forms of communication. This includes opening up your intuition more or saying the things you’ve been always meaning to say. So when the Sun’s in Taurus, especially after Mercury arrives in Taurus on April 27, you may have a lot to say. Make sure you’re giving your voice an outlet, whether it’s journaling and writing or using your voice more. And if there’s things from childhood or the past that you haven’t really talked about, this month may give you an opportunity to open up, heal, and release. Want a deeper look at how April will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Community, social network, social connection, groups, alliances, social causes, bigger picture, society, the future, looking ahead, transformation, power, pulling back, retreat, reflection, rest, going inward, spirituality, meditation, intuition, voice, communication, writing, speaking, listening, learning, education, ideas, information, money, income, salary, how you earn a living, what you own, material need, resources, stability, security, basics, food, shelter, finances, debt, wealth, assets, insurance, financial planning.

Photo by John Fowler on Unsplash