The Sun makes its annual opposition to Neptune, an aspect that can make us feel adrift, sleepy, or even drained. Since the Sun is our vital force and Neptune pulls us beyond our physical world, we need to make sure our feet are on solid ground.

Neptune is an evolutionary force, a fact that can get lost in its haze. But as tired as we may be feeling, the real work is that Neptune quietly opens our ability to perceive the unseen realms. It reminds us that there is a whole world beyond the world that we can touch and feel. It’s a planet that is often prominently placed in the astrology of psychics and mediums.

Since February 2012, Neptune has been in Pisces, a sign that it will spend a total of 14 years in. It’s easy to lose track of Neptune, especially in Pisces. Its evolutionary work has played out along themes of emotion and connection, spirituality and existential questions, even illusions and hysteria.

Come next year, Neptune will make its first arrival in Aries, a sign it has not been in for 150 years. We will begin a collective and personal work on transforming our relationship with Aries and its themes of action and individuality.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for September 21-23, 2024.

Read More:

Free Presentation — Energetic Sciences, September 24, 8pm ET

Pisces Full Moon: Hard Choices

Neptune in Pisces: Sign by Sign

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