Mercury, wrapping up its time in Taurus, makes an electrifying connection to Uranus. It may be a day, if not a week of powerful new insights, breaks from the past, and conversations that illuminate or unsettle.

If Mercury is the planet of ideas and information, options and choices, then Uranus may confront us to choose a different path. Keep in mind that Uranus is an evolutionary planet. Its job is to get us to grow and evolve by any means possible. So, it wants us to evolve how we think and listen, it wants to get us unstuck and out of a rut.

While Taurus is a wonderful sign that helps us to be pragmatic and grounded in our thinking, sometimes we can get in our own way. In comes Uranus.

By next week, on June 3, Mercury will leave Taurus and join three other planets in Gemini, the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter. Since Mercury rules or governs Gemini, we’ll see life start to pick up the pace once it arrives in Gemini on Monday.

Finally, Jupiter in Gemini makes a trine to Pluto in Aquarius on June 2, an aspect that doesn’t happen very often, last occurring in late 2015 and into mid-2016. If Jupiter helps to make our world bigger, then Pluto amps up this energy. It’s the power of faith, the power to open up our eyes and to grow our lives. In Gemini and Aquarius, which are air signs, this is about big ideas and information to expand how we think, listen, and learn.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for June 1-3, 2024.

Read More:

Jupiter in Gemini: Sign by Sign

Pluto in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

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