Just as Mars in Virgo crossed the Nodes earlier this week, Mercury in Virgo does the same. As we go into this weekend, we may have major decisions to make. It’s a time of endings, beginnings, and new directions.

The Lunar Nodes are not planets, which is to say, they are not physical bodies in the sky. Instead they are two mathematical points — the North Node on one end and the South Node on the other — that tell us where eclipses will happen. And if a new or a full moon occurs within a certain amount of distance from the Nodes, we can expect a solar or lunar eclipse.

Outside of eclipses, the Nodes remain an electric if not invisible axis in the sky. When a planet connects with it, we feel eclipse energies. Events feel fated or mark a milestone. Life takes a turn. Our choices have more significance.

So this week, between Mars and Mercury in Virgo, we may have been feeling this eclipse energy at play. Add a powerful Leo New Moon, and for some it’s a time of major importance as the new moon played off of Saturn and Uranus.

That said, this weekend we come up to the first quarter moon, a time when we get a clearer idea of what this August 8 Leo New Moon was all about.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for August 14-16.

Read More:

Leo New Moon: Plot Twist

Video — The Astrology of August 9-15, 2021

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