Happy Capricorn New Moon! The time of the astrological cycle when we set intentions that will stand the test of time. Capricorn, after all, is a sign that sets its sights on the long term and so we’re thinking beyond 2014 with this new moon. Capricorn is also achievement, career, status, government, and business — anything that takes us vertical. But with a heavy duty line up of planets (check out that cardinal grand cross!), we’ve got our work cut out for us. The new moon is exact 1/1/2014 at 6:14 am EST, 10 degrees Capricorn.

So, yeah, the new moon falls right on the start of the new year. And it’s one hell of a new moon. Just take a look at the chart — Sun/Moon conjunct Pluto and Mercury in Capricorn, which forms a cardinal grand cross with Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars. For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s the big red square in the chart. Yeah, that. Hear that sound? 2014 has landed.

Here’s the irony to this chart. The new moon is all about starting something, well, new. And Capricorn is about building it to last. But we have Pluto, lord of the underworld, ruler of non-negotiable transformations, king of demolition sitting right on the Sun and Moon. So we’re starting something by tearing something else down — life out of the ashes of death, burning down the house because you want to change the wall color, that sort of thing. Pluto is the purge. Pluto is surrender. And with Mercury thrown into the mix plus a tight square to Mars, we’ve got a volcano ready to blow.

Needless to say this new moon is about the release of something that cannot be held back anymore. A dark secret may emerge, a mystery solved, someone may say something that they can’t choke down anymore, corruption uncovered. Similarly, the new moon conjunct Pluto is about making space in our lives by clearing out the shit — pardon my language — both literally and metaphorically. In the days following this new moon you may find yourself in the midst of an epic purge as Pluto creates a very clear line of what you can and cannot take with you into 2014.

With that sense of finality, the next week or so may bring a strong theme of life and death. Saturn, the ruler of the new moon, is in Scorpio — the sign of life and death. I say this not to create anxiety, but to paint a very clear picture of the sort of energies at play in this new moon. As always, astrology is an invitation to co-create. So, what are you purging with new moon? What are you making space for so that you can build something stronger and of lasting value? How will you leave your mark in this world long after you’re dead and buried? In addition, if you’ve needed a do over, this is your moon. Wipe the slate clean and start over. The past is past.

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