Like a wave, life ebbs and flows. But lately it’s been more of a roller coaster with its fast paced dips and turns. We’ve been on this ride a few years now and even though we’re nearing the end, there are still a few more hair pin turns in the interim.

Why is everything so chaotic now? Look no further than the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square, a monumental clash between two major forces of change and transformation. Even though many of you have heard me explain this before, I mention it because for some this is still new information. And January has in it a couple of lurches between Uranus and Pluto — at least early on.

I know you are all tired. Who wouldn’t be after the last few years we’ve been through. The good news, however, is that Saturn is out of Scorpio as of December 23! We may have a few Uranus/Pluto curve balls coming our way — the Cancer Full Moon on January 4 looks a bit gnarly — but at least we have the sturdy faith and optimism of Saturn in Sagittarius to see us through to the end.

As always, use these Uranus/Pluto days as your power dates. All it takes is consciousness and intention. If you need to change the status quo in your life — make a career change, end an old pattern, empower yourself — these will be your days, January 3–4. Also, keep an eye out for Mercury Retrograde on January 21 to February 11. No need to panic. That’s far too 2014. It’s 2015 now and we’re seasoned, proactive, and ready to take command.


DATES TO NOTE: 1/3, Venus in Aquarius; 1/4, Cancer Full Moon; 1/12, Mars in Pisces, 1/20, Sun in Aquarius, Aquarius New Moon; 1/21, Mercury Retrograde; 1/27, Venus in Pisces.


If you know your rising sign, read the corresponding entry below in addition to your Sun sign. If you are new to the zodiac signs, check out my 101 level primer.



AriesWhere do you go from here? What’s your direction? Is it time to make a change? With the Sun illuminating the highest reaches of your chart, this time of year always seems to point to goals and and long range plans . . . . But this year already feels different; the questions are deeper. The last few years have made you wiser if not a little battle hardened. Now that Saturn has newly arrived in Sagittarius, you may be contemplating a change in your career as well as the schooling needed to make it happen. With that in mind, January will have you wavering between two worlds, caught between action and a pull inward. The first half of the month will be the action side of things. Mars, your ruling planet, will be in Aquarius and during this time you’ll be seeking out connection, whether through groups, networking, or spending time with friends. In addition, the full moon on January 4 will be a turning point for you. There may even be a sense that you will be leaving one chapter of your life behind for good, from a major move to a change in the home. You may also have a decision to make about a family member, especially over an issue that has been long simmering. When Mars trades Pisces for Aquarius on January 12, you will slip into a quieter phase that will last into mid February. Like winter, this will be a time to retreat from the world and hibernate. Don’t forget to rest, contemplate, and recharge. After the 2014 you had, you can use the downtime. Book your consultation to learn more about how January will unfold for you.

Key Themes: Family, changes, turning point, resolution, decisions, friends, community, networking, socializing, withdraw, hibernation, reflection, dreams, spirituality, mysticism, recuperation.



TaurusWith Venus stepping into Aquarius just after the new year, all eyes will be on you this month. After all, Aquarius is the highest sign in your chart and represents much of what you hold up in the world — community, connections, and humanitarian causes. In addition, Venus is your guiding planet and this will be an excellent time to focus on your worldly ambitions and receive recognition for all your hard work. If you’ve needed to make a career change or turn over a new leaf professionally, look to the new moon on January 20 as an auspicious date. That said, with Saturn now in Sagittarius, you began a larger chapter that will focus on money, investments, finance, and legacies. If financial security is something that has been a bit sticky in the past, set aside this month to sit down and go through statements and online accounts. True, not the most glamorous of activities, but the sooner you can make time for Saturn the better. He’s the tough love parent of all the planets and while he has a chilly reputation, all he wants is for you to create lasting success and wealth. In other news, the first week of January may be a bit bumpy. The full moon on January 4 will highlight communication, from email and texts to serious conversations and manuscripts. Keep an eye on your inbox; you may hear news or receive word about something important. You may also have a decision to make about your education. Book your consultation to learn more about how January will unfold for you.

Key Themes: Communication, news, change, sudden, education, classes, your neighborhood, siblings, travel, transportation, money, wealth, investments, legacies, inheritances, debt, finance, power, transformation, career, success, status, reward, direction, ambition.




For much of 2014 you stayed out of the fray. Sure, you had Neptune to contend with, a planet casting a haze over your career since 2012, but you’ve been largely spared the machinations that have fallen others. (Although keep an eye on the January 4 full moon. It will highlight income, security, and stability in a big way.) That said, Saturn is now in Sagittarius, drawing a clear line from 2014 to 2015. Things are different. In short, it will be your turn to step up to the plate, Gemini. But before you get too nervous, take a deep breath. Saturn merely represents a natural step in life; we all have to grow and mature. And while you may feel slightly out of sync with Saturn’s older, wiser, knows-what’s-right-for-you energy, the next few years will bring major milestones and responsibilities. January will be the first month for you to really get a feel for him. So take a moment to sit down and sketch out what responsibility means for you. Is it a committed relationship? Family? A mortgage? This is what you will be working on while Saturn is in Sagittarius, your opposing sign. In the meantime, Mercury will slow down this month, preparing to turn retrograde on January 21. You know the drill. Thankfully this is the time of year to take it easy. But with Mars arriving at the top of your chart on January 12, you may feel more motivated than ever to push out into the world and climb up the ladder of success. Strike a balance. Book your consultation to learn more about how January will unfold for you.

Key Themes: Relationships, marriage, business partners, commitment, milestones, maturation, career, direction, ambition, connections, friendships, community, groups, networking, money, income, power, finance, financial security, stability, resources.



CancerWhen we think of January we think of new year’s resolutions and a month filled with promises to go to the gym more and start eating better. Sometimes we stick to these good intentions and, well, other times we don’t because we’re human. (And snacks, duh.) Well, lucky for you, Cancer, Saturn just set up shop in Sagittarius for the next three years. What does this mean in English? Sagittarius just so happens to be the part of your chart that points to health, wellness, and getting to work on time. Throw in Saturn, the cosmic boot camp instructor, and no slacking off for you this year. If you make a resolution, Saturn will hold you to your word. On the flip side, if you’ve needed to make changes in this area of your life, Saturn will be your greatest asset. Truly. After the 2014 you had Saturn is probably the last house guest you were hoping for, but he will help you make sense of the chaos that the planets Uranus and Pluto have left in their wake. Saturn will also speak to acts of faith and service over the coming months. When life gets rocky, and it may very well around the full moon on January 4, helping others will be a great way to replenish your emotional well. In the meantime, Mars’s arrival in your chart’s travel sector may spark dreams of far off destinations and exotic locales. Let’s face it, a nice beach would be a welcome remedy right about now. Maybe Saturn will give you time off for good behavior. Book your consultation to learn more about how January will unfold for you.

Key Themes: Health, diet, nutrition, projects, routine, organization, faith, service, commitment, cleaning up, purity, turning point, change, transformation, money, finance, benefits, debt, legacies, secrets, power.




There are new years resolutions and then there are wipe the slate clean, toss 2014 into the flames do-overs. With the Sun poised to rendezvous with Uranus and Pluto at the start of month, you may be considering the later. 2014 wasn’t exactly the easiest of years. True, you had an ally in lucky Jupiter, which arrived in Leo back in July for an extended visit. But you finished the year waiting for him to deliver on his promises, wondering if he’s all talk. One of the things to consider is that you had Saturn down in Scorpio, pressing all your sensitive buttons over the past two years. While Jupiter took some of the sting out of it, you still felt Saturn’s lead weight pulling you down like an albatross. But, hark, Saturn is no longer in Scorpio and you’re primed for a do-over. So how do you want 2015 to be completely different? What needs to be purged? Is it as simple as cleaning out of the closets or do you need to go deeper? Do you need a rebirth? When the full moon arrives on January 4, you may feel as though you’ve reached a turning point . . . or an existential crisis, take your pick. You’ll need to answer big questions in the first week of the new year. Venus, the planet of love, will also arrive in your relationship house, turning part of this month’s narrative toward partnership, especially after the January 20 Aquarius New Moon. If you are single, this will be the perfect time this meet someone serious. In a relationship? Spotlight will be on a new chapter in your marriage or commitment. Book your consultation to learn more about how January will unfold for you.

Key Themes: Change, transformation, milestones, identity, self expression, children, relationships, marriage, partnership, new direction, retreat, recuperation, spirituality, mysticism, meditation.




This month will put you in familiar territory. With the planets starting to line up in Aquarius, it’s all about getting organized, daily routine, and checking things off of your to-do list — music to your Virgo heart. And perfect for starting the year off right! But, now that you think about it, this year feels a little different. The to-do list seems a little bigger, more ambitious. Now that Saturn is newly arrived in the bottom of your chart, you will be feeling the need to get things sorted more than ever. And here’s the deal — Saturn will be setting you up for a three year course in home, family, and roots. In short, where do you belong? Who are the people that anchor you to this world? Who are you responsible for? January will be the first month to really get a feel for Saturn’s energy, which, let’s face it, is a bit heavy. But what Saturn is really all about is commitment, something that isn’t that unfamiliar, Virgo. In fact, you have a history of rising to Saturn’s challenge, so not to fear. Switching gears, Mars’s arrival in Pisces on January 12 will put relationships in the hot seat. If you’ve had a long simmering disagreement with someone close to you, it may boil over come the middle of the month. Mars isn’t exactly the most tactful of planets he may put you on the defensive in January. In addition, the new moon on January 20 will give you the best moment all month to hunker down with your new year’s resolutions. But Mercury Retrograde the following day may have you rethinking your goals. February will bring a reboot. Book your consultation to learn more about how January will unfold for you.

Key Themes: Organization, health, wellness, diet, nutrition, projects, home, family, roots, commitment, responsibility, foundation, the past, nostalgia, memories, relationships.




Happy new year, Libra! You’re probably thinking, thank the lord Saturn is no longer scrutinizing every purchase and asking for receipts like he has the past two years. Having traded Scorpio for Sagittarius on December 23, Saturn will instead start making assessments in how you think, speak, write, read, and learn. In short, over the next three years, it will be time to get down to basics, sharpening your critical thinking skills and cracking the books. You may even start a manuscript or take an important class. While Saturn may have shifted some of the weight in your chart, you still have titanic Uranus and Pluto to deal with. In fact the full moon on January 4, which lines up with Uranus and Pluto, will be a major turning point for you. Falling in Cancer, the sign that occupies the highest reaches of your chart, the first full week of January will bring a decision about your career or direction in life. Is it time to make a serious change? And if you’ve been working hard the past year, this may be your big moment to receive recognition and reward. Thankfully Venus’s arrival in Aquarius on January 3 will remind you to set aside time for play, creativity, and even romance. In fact, the new moon on January 20 will give you a fresh start in this part of your life. This will be great for artists and writers, especially for those looking to take a risk. If you’re thinking of starting a family, the new moon will also highlight an auspicious new beginning. Book your consultation to learn more about how January will unfold for you.

Key Themes: Communication, writing, thinking, speaking, lectures, classes, training, publishing, career, status, success, reward, recognition, publicity, change, identity, self expression, spotlight, notoriety, romance, play, fun, risk, children.




Welcome to the first full month with Saturn out of Scorpio. High five! You made it. You’re older, wiser, and — hopefully — stood up to Saturn’s rigorous standards over the last two years. So take a break because you’ve certainly earned it. This time of year is when the planets tend to pull you toward home and family anyway, out of sight from the public eye. 2014 was a big year for you and you had an ace in the hole with Jupiter cruising through your house of success, reward, and status. But now that Jupiter has turned retrograde, life may feel like it’s in retreat. Not to worry, Scorpio. Use this time to nest, make changes in the home, and bring beauty to your surroundings with a little help from Venus. However the full moon on January 4, with its hard angles to Uranus and Pluto, may have you feeling a little restless. You may have to make a decision about travel or a trip abroad, especially in regards to career. In fact, with the Sun merging with Pluto and bouncing off Uranus, career and your place in the world may take an unexpected turn. Whatever you have to say right now will have far reaching impact. On January 12, Mars will arrive in Pisces for five weeks, which is notable because Mars is your ruling planet. Like the bow of a ship, Mars will lead you toward themes of art, creativity, self expression, romance, play, and risk. Intuition and psychic ability will also be heightened as well. Book your consultation to learn more about how January will unfold for you.

Key Themes: Home, family, nesting, withdraw, career shift, change in status, notoriety, writing, communication, speaking, news, creativity, romance, self expression, children, play, fun, drama, financial security, financial expansion, money, income.




As of December 23, Saturn is in Sagittarius. This is not a drill. The irony is that you were practically counting down the days while Saturn slogged through your 12th House, the house of retreat, spirituality, and endings. It was slow going for the past two years, but now Saturn is here and, oh, it’s on. No slacking off, no going back. It’s a brand new chapter in your life, Sagittarius, one that will be filled with personal milestones and opportunities to be the leader. But Saturn doesn’t hand the keys over without hard work, commitment, and showing that you’re ready for the next level. With that in mind, January will be a good month to get the lay of the land, sketch out goals for the next few years, and have a heart-to-heart with Saturn, the planet of maturity and responsibility. One of the facets of the next few months will be the realization that for all your plans and ambitions, there’s still a lot out of your control. (Thanks, Neptune.) You will be making a careful dance this year between moving forward in life versus the sacrifices that life often asks of us — namely family and those things that run deeper than worldly status. In addition, Mercury will go retrograde on January 21, a planet that just so happens to be your relationship planet. Don’t be surprised if an old friend or lover pops back up like a ghost. Mercury Retrograde has a habit of dragging up the past. You may have loose ends to tie up. Or better yet, burn some sage and send them on their way. Book your consultation to learn more about how January will unfold for you.

Key Themes: Leadership, authority, responsibility, commitment, scrutiny, health, vitality, new beginnings, income, financial stability, security, transformation, debt, mortgages, finance, legacies, inheritances, family, secrets, lineage, writing, communication, speaking, travel, transportation, friends, social connections, neighborhood, siblings, relationships.




The big news is that Saturn is now in Sagittarius, a notable change for all the signs, but for you it’s personal. Saturn is your ruling planet and his arrival in Sagittarius, the last sign of your chart, will speak to a major new chapter that will focus on inner exploration, spirituality, mysticism, retreat, and recovery. You’ve had a rough last few years, Capricorn. With that in mind, maybe you need time to quietly figure things out, to search for meaning behind time sometimes devastating curveballs that life has thrown your way of late. You’ve come to the end of a very long journey and life will seem caught in the liminal space between this life and the next. Keep an eye on the full moon on January 4. It will throw a spotlight on the relationships in your life. You may have a decision to make about a partnership. Do you keep things as they are? Take it to the next level? Make a major change? The presence of Uranus and Pluto in the full moon hint at a change in status quo or at the very least turning a new leaf. In other news, the narrative this month will start to shift toward money, income, and financial stability. The new moon on January 20 will open the door to innovative new ways to make money. Again, with Saturn newly in Sagittarius — your 12th House — something is shifting about your relationship with money and security or even what you value. Use the new moon to plant new financial seeds. Book your consultation to learn more about how January will unfold for you.

Key Themes: Retreat, intuition, spirituality, recuperation, recovery, endings, money, income, security, stability, possessions, resources, relationships, partnership, marriage, decision, change, communication, travel, social, friends.




Did you feel the shift, Aquarius? Saturn is in Sagittarius! As your ruling planet, he guided you through two long years of hard work in achievement. Career was top focus and while you made many achievements, you also didn’t get a break. So Saturn’s arrival in new territory will be a welcome change. Instead, over the next few years you’ll be hard at work on friendships and forming solid sense of community — something that as an Aquarian will come natural to you. You may even be drawn to social and humanitarian causes. January will be a good time to get a sense of this new chapter in your life. Start by asking yourself, who are your friends? Do you feel like an outsider? Is it time to start networking? To find your tribe? What are your dreams? What are you reaching toward? In the meantime enjoy Venus’s annual visit to Aquarius this month where she will give you an extra dash of charisma, grace, and style — all with a playful wink of the eye. The full moon on January 4 will highlight the health and wellness area of your chart. You may need to make a decision about your diet or a health matter, usually the sort to thing one considers at the start of the new year. But with Uranus and Pluto involved, there’s no going back. Something will have to change. The Aquarius New Moon on January 20 with give you a powerful sense of renewal and a sense that the coming year will be one filled with major new beginnings. Make a wish! Book your consultation to learn more about how January will unfold for you.

Key Themes: Community, friendships, social connections, groups, goals, the future, freedom, health, diet, nutrition, change in daily life, recuperation, retreat, mediation, spirituality, dreams, recharge, rest.




As January opens, you not only begin a new year, but you start a major new chapter in your life, one that will be filled with achievements and personal milestones. Yes, look no further than Saturn, which finally crossed from Scorpio to Sagittarius and set up residency in the highest reaches of your chart. You only have this changing of the guard once every 29 years. (Let that sink in a moment.) The past two, however, were spent in preparation. Perhaps you went back to school, got your degree, and now you are ready to enter the world. The crux of this time will be a need to make a name for yourself, define your role or title in society, and take on the mantle of responsibility. There’s the sense that after years of hard work you’ve finally ascended. As you can imagine, this is a big deal. Lest you feel overwhelmed by the task at hand, remember to take baby steps. With the Sun in Capricorn for most of the month, take time to dream about the future, sketch out your goals for the next three years, and write down what authority or leadership means to you. This is also the time of year when the planets begin to slide into the 12th House, the last house of the chart. This is a place to go within, to meditate, release, and reconnect with the divine, especially after the new moon on January 20. But Mars’s arrival in Pisces the week before will feel like a tug of war between a need to spring forth and a retreat back into the quiet to recharge and reflect. Book your consultation to learn more about how January will unfold for you.

Key Themes: Status, career, authority, ambition, success, title, definition, crystallization, friendship, community, goals, the future, identity, creativity, children, risk, retreat, withdraw, dreams, intuition, recuperation, meditation, recovery, action, restless.