Happy Full Moon in Scorpio! Happy lunar eclipse! This one is a bit of a doozy, exact at 3:57 pm EDT at 5 degrees Scorpio/Taurus. The Full Moon in Scorpio is the time of the year to release our intentions towards honesty, intimacy, trust, sex, healing, purging, and transformation. Oh, you know, the usual. Seeds planted at the Scorpio New Moon back in November are now coming to fruition.

Full moons in Scorpio are already potent times as the lunar light shines into all of Scorpio’s dark, emotional recesses. And this an eclipse, which ratchets it up by a factor of ten  The lunar eclipse in Scorpio can be uncomfortable to face the stark realities we’ve been avoiding, the full moon pulling out the hidden into the glare of the spotlight. I mean, look at that Moon/Saturn conjunction in Scorpio. There is no sugar coating this full moon. This isn’t reality wrapped up in maternal reassurance. No, this is the ugly truth shoved into our faces. Oh, there’s medicine with this full moon, but it’s a bitter pill to swallow.

This is also a full moon of stubborn confrontations. Mars and Sun in Taurus form a challenging opposition to Moon and Saturn in Scorpio. Think of it as two warring sides, both of which are dug in for a long fight, the two polarities triggering heightened emotions. But at the heart of this standoff is our fear of change.

Taurus has a reputation as the most change-phobic of all the signs, clinging to solid ground with white knuckle terror when pushed outside its comfort zone. Have you ever watched the show Hoarders? (Which, by the way, should be subtitled: When Taurus Goes Bad.) Have you seen the degree of psychological stress the hoarders face when confronted with having to throw things out? Even when it’s literally trash piling up in their home? It’s an extreme example, but in a way this full moon is pushing us to think about what we need to get rid of or what we need to transform despite the fact that it terrifies us. And here comes Saturn and the Scorpio Moon, effortlessly shedding its skin and making it look so damn easy. You’d be forgiven for freaking out a little.

But that’s the nature of the Taurus/Scorpio duality. Safety versus change, solid ground versus a leap into the unknown, holding on versus elimination. Even the most ardent Taurean has to let go at some point. And as Scorpio rules death, if not now then certainly in the grave. Better to do it on your own terms instead of Saturn’s. Better to evolve while you can reap the renewal and healing that Scorpio provides in its most exalted form. Yes, the medicine is still bitter, but it really is that easy. Ask any Scorpio.

Speaking of healing, we have support with this full moon in the form of harmonious aspects from Pluto, Chiron, and Neptune. It’s all there waiting for us if we could just get past that Mars/Saturn opposition. No easy feat. We’re also coming up to the next exact Uranus/Pluto square. R/evolution is in the air.

So think about what changes you’ve been putting off, the healing long needed, the release, change, and transformation that is practically calling out. Note that you may dig your heels in with Mars, Sun, Venus in Taurus, but eventually Saturn in Scorpio wins the war.

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