Feeling a little uncomfortable? Are your fears edging into your thoughts? Your deeply rooted stories coming up? That’s because Pluto stationed direct today at 14 Capricorn.

Pluto isn’t an easy planet but it serves a necessary function. Like reaching into soul and pulling out a clog, Pluto shows you what’s holding you back. It’s also the planet of nonnegotiable transformation. Pluto may be unpleasant, but we have to look deep within our soul. And we have to let it go.

Take a moment to be conscious of what’s coming up for you today as well as what’s been bumping around this past weekend. Pluto’s been tearing apart the foundation of our lives since 2008. What more work needs to be done?

Also, the Sun and Jupiter line up in Libra today. While the Sun + Jupiter has a bit of a generous reputation in astrology, the energy of the planets points over to Venus in Scorpio. Yes, we’re in year long chapter, courtesy of Jupiter of Libra, when we’re all getting an opportunity to grow through partnership. But real connection, Scorpio reminds us, is built on trust and bracing intimacy. This plus Pluto’s station today means that a lot of our “stuff” is coming up this week — fears around intimacy, letting people in, letting go of control.

The Sun and Jupiter also shine a light on two things. One, they meet up at the same degree of the lunar eclipse on March 23, 2016. So there’s a link today back to changes made six months ago. Two, Jupiter was the ruler of the eclipse on September 16. With the help of the Sun’s light, we may have a much clearer idea what that eclipse two weeks was about.

Read More:

Full Moon in Pisces: The Knot

Jupiter in Libra

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