The Moon is in Pisces and we’re in the gate for tomorrow’s lunar eclipse. There is an electricity in the air. Emotions are running high. Our dreams are vivid but real life is hazy. A psychic storm gathers on the horizon.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s update, one of the main themes of this lunar eclipse is pain and suffering. It’s our pain, it’s the pain of humanity, it’s a wound that has its roots in childhood, another life, or even with an ancestor. But as much as Pisces would like to avoid — it’s famous for it — a lunar eclipse puts things right where we can see them. There’s no turning back. We have to make a left or a right. We can’t keep going in the same direction.

Here’s the thing to keep in mind. Astrology measures symbolic time. And even though this eclipse is dragging up the wounds of the past, it’s time to let them go. Yes, release work can be exhausting and we’ve been in a state of near constant transformation and rebirth over the last few years, but it is time. There are things that you’re carrying around that just have to go.

Maybe you want a partnership, for example, but have to get real about the old wounds that have prevented connection. Maybe your heart is so heavy with grief that there is no room for anything else? Whatever it is, the Pisces Lunar Eclipse is saying, time to let it go. Surrender the emotion to Source. Offer the experience to the collective. Forgive yourself and forgive others.

Read More:

Astro Daily: September 14, 2016

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

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