Hi! It’s been a hell of a week. I think we could all use a hug. I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be in consciousness in the face of fear and anti-consciousness, what it means to create in the wake of chaos.

Venus is at the last degree of Sagittarius today and, as we’ve learned with with other recent planetary transitions, the last degree of a sign has a bit of weight to it. What have we learned? And Sagittarius is certainly a signed plugged into learning as well as faith and meaning.
Still, I believe in the goodness of the world and of humanity. I will still fight for the light, fight for consciousness. I will still be a force of inspiration. That will never change.

As we go into the weekend, the the Moon in Aries, Mars in Aquarius, we will continue to assert our ideas, our freedom, our right — all strong Mars in Aquarius themes. But by Sunday the Moon will be in Taurus, a reminder that Jupiter is in Libra and that we need to find peace in this crazy world.

So, take care of yourself this weekend. Make time for the good things. Be in the energy of unity and recognition. Don’t spiral out in fear. The world needs our consciousness. It needs us to create something new.

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Jupiter in Libra

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