The Moon is still in Virgo today. Even though Mercury finished its tense face off with Pluto, it’s still not too late to get a deep clean in, even if it’s emotional. After all, it’s Cancer Season, a time when we’re all extra emo. Mars has been turning up the volume.

Speaking of emo, Chiron will turn retrograde on July 1, pulling at our deep emotional and psychic knots. Pay attention to the subtext of this week. What reoccurring themes do you see working its way through your experiences? Subtle and often relegated to the unconscious, Chiron shows us what we must heal, what suffering we must let go — if we pay attention.

So, get cleaning. Use this energy proactively. Once the Moon goes into Libra tomorrow, picking up on the indulgent energies of Venus in Taurus, we’ll be more inclined to relax this weekend.

PS — I’m teaching an intimate, evening workshop here in New York on July 25 called The Gateway: Eclipses and the Astrology of Transformation. It doesn’t matter how much astrology you know. I’ll be teaching you about August’s eclipses and what they mean for your sun sign in this hands on workshop. You’ll learn how to work with the eclipse’s energy of creation and transformation. Early registration is $50. For more details and to register, click here.

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On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

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Photo by Sarah Dorweiler on Unsplash