I’ve been thinking a lot about Venus this week as she comes up to her annual merge with Pluto on Saturday. In the eyes of astrology, Venus is the key to understanding the archetypical energy of relationship, compromise, collaboration, value, worth, and resource. We all have Venus somewhere in our chart, which reveals how we’re incarnating the energy of Venus throughout our lives.

I was born with Venus in Scorpio. She’s retrograde, too. There’s a story around my Venus — or a story I unconsciously to hold onto — but if I’ve learned anything on my journey of late is that the story evolves. I will always have Venus retrograde in Scorpio, but my relationship and my consciousness around my Venus has evolved and will continue to evolve.

How do we get a second chance at our planets? How does the narrative shift, grow, and transform? Through the outer planets.

I know the energy of Pluto is intense. As is the energy of Uranus, which will square with Venus this weekend as well. We may feel caught in the crucible of these energies, but they are giving us an opportunity to evolve our natal planets. I’m not saying it’s easy.

As I was doing my mediation and esoteric work this morning, I thought about some of the darker aspects of my Venus in Scorpio and the not so pleasant past lives that make up that placement. (Retrograde planets in the natal chart show we’re we’re doing a deeper level of work, FYI.)

I asked Spirit, as I often do, what would the highest expression of Venus in Scorpio be like? That is, if the lowest expression is jealously, manipulation, obsession, and self destruction through relationships? They said total transformation into something new.

I share this because Venus + Pluto is an opportunity to purge ourselves and transform our Venus. Yes, Venus is in Capricorn right now and most of us don’t have that placement, but this is an opportunity for everyone to take a hard look at how we do Venus. As I posited yesterday … What are we not owning up to? What are we projecting onto others? What’s in our relationship shadow? Who are our demons? Where do we need to take better responsibility in a partnership?

The outer planets are the alchemical translation. Through consciousness we release the negative involutions of our natal planets. We open and expand the possibility of their expressions. This is the work, this is the choice. To express our natal planets in the highest consciousness or to hold tight to the stories from both this life and others?

I only speak from my own experience, but I am transforming my Venus in Scorpio into something new and using the alchemy of the outer planets to do so.

If you don’t know where your Venus is and what its placement means for you, check out my “Venus Through the Signs” post.