When we’re in Capricorn season as we are now, it’s all about the planet Saturn. Why? Because Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn and it’s placement in the zodiac and the aspects it presently makes flavors the solar month.

I’ve been talking quite a bit about Saturn’s journey through Sagittarius, a sign it arrived in September 2015 after a brief foray from December 2014 to June 2015. Even though Capricorn season is a yearly reminder for us to take a critical look at our life, our responsibilities, and the structures we’ve built everything on, we can’t escape Saturn in Sagittarius’s existential and philosophical demands.

Sagittarius is a sign where we find meaning. This meaning can be influenced by the religion or culture we grew up in, our expectations of how the wold should work based on our education and laws. So, with Saturn in Sagittarius until December 19, 2017, all these Sag flavored themes are up for review — faith, meaning, truth, philosophy, religion, media, publishing, education, law. Negative Saturn seeks to restrict, limit, instill fear. Positive Saturn seeks to create healthy boundaries, foster maturity, leadership, and commitment. Positive Saturn helps us create the framework for our life.

Another thing to keep in mind as we close out 2016 is that Saturn has been making a series of aspects to Uranus and Chiron. We had a trine between Saturn and Uranus on December 24, which in its highest function gave us the confidence to cast aside outworn ideas and tradition. Then we have a square between Saturn and Chiron today, December 28.

This aspect is a little thornier. It hits on deep emotional themes. With Saturn in Sagittarius touching on faith, Chiron in Pisces touches on existential pain, the suffering that comes from feeling separated. As a result we may be sifting through heavy emotions, especially with the balsamic Moon in Capricorn.

What Chiron wants is for us to take consciousness of the emotional, spiritual, and psychic knots we carry. It wants us to see where we create separation as Pisces, in its highest expression, is the return to unity, universality, and to Source. As we prepare for tomorrow’s new moon, sit in quiet reflection today. Meditate on what you can work on within yourself to release old pain, old knots. And that in doing so, you open up knots in the fabric of humanity for more light, recognition, and consciousness.

Read More:

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

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