Welcome to the Virgo New Moon, the time in the lunar calendar when turn our focus towards health and wellness, from how we take care of our bodies to the foods we eat, the work we do, and the rituals we practice. Virgo helps us to discern and to organize, too. The new moon is exact on September 17, 2020 at 7:00 am EDT, 25 degrees Virgo. That’s 4:00 am Los Angeles, 12:00 pm London, 9:00 pm Sydney, and 11:00 pm Auckland.

New moons are new beginnings, turning a page and giving us a reset. New moons say that, over the coming four weeks, our experiences, feelings, and interactions will be colored by the archetype of the sign that the new moon falls in.

When we reach Virgo, we’ve reached the sixth sign of the zodiac. Virgo is an earth sign. It deals with the day-to-day necessities of daily living, from creating a schedule, to exercise, work, and personal hygiene. Ruled by Mercury, Virgo helps to create order and structure with its discerning, editorial eye, which is a necessary step before we can reach the heights and ambitions of Capricorn, the last earth sign.

In a way, this new moon gives us a second chance to revisit our new year’s resolutions, all of those positive initiatives that may have fallen by the wayside in 2020. Need to start a healthy regimen? Get organized? Virgo loves systems, ritual, and practice. It loves plans and schedule. Thankfully the new moon makes a trine to Saturn, which means that it’s easier to make lasting changes.

If these helpful Virgo habits that are not your strong suit, use the new moon to outsource. Hire and organizer. Partner up with a friend who will be your accountability buddy. Let technology be an assistant. Virgo energy has to be grounded in reality. It needs to be livable and applicable to daily life.

This Virgo New Moon in particular puts us at a crossroads with the Sun and the Moon squaring the Lunar Nodes. This not only means that we’re half way between eclipse seasons, but this week threads back to the lunar eclipse on June 5 as well presages future events that may occur around the November 30 and December 14 lunar and solar eclipses later this year. Eclipse energy can close doors and open new ones. People can enter in and out of our lives like actors on and off a stage. We may be making decisions that send us in a new direction.

We’ve also go serious decisions to make and hard boundaries to set. Mercury, the ruler of the new moon, is in Libra and square Saturn, a planet that needs accountability, equity, and balance. This may show up in a relationship in particular. Are we valuing ourselves or being valued? Is something worth it? It’s either a yes or a no.

The other feature of this new moon is its opposition to Neptune in Pisces. It’s a wide opposition, but it’s still very much in play. As much as Virgo is a practical, grounded sign, we’re having to navigate something that may feel otherworldly, overwhelming, or even mysterious. This opposition is the pull between the seen and unseen.

Neptune can be an invitation to heal and to surrender to something greater than our mundane lives. But it also can bring up a lot of intense emotion. Whatever does come up, let it flow out of you. Use meditation, reflection, or prayer to give Neptune a positive outlet in our daily lives over the coming days and weeks. And don’t forget to set healthy intentions, too. It is Virgo Season after all.

Read More:

Chart of the September 17, 2020 Virgo New Moon

Neptune in Pisces: Sign by Sign

On Neptune

Video — The Astrology of September 14-20, 2020

September 2020 Horoscopes

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