Venus steps out from behind the scenes and joins the Sun in Virgo. Although not traditionally at home in the sign, Venus has to use its natural charms and grace in support of others. Venus in Virgo brings a love of detail, order, and perfection.

In astrology there is a natural order called rulership and essential dignity. While those terms may seem a bit technical, what it means is that there is a planet that rules each sign and that ruler functions like a boss. It governs the sign. (Long ago I wrote an article on planetary rulers, specifically traditional rulership.)

Essential dignity, on the other hand, shows a natural harmonic order of energy. In some signs, depending on the planet in that sign, the energy has a hard time flowing. Venus has a harder time flowing in Virgo, according to classical rules. And while I use the classical rules, I also believe that we can work with Venus in Virgo.

Venus is the planet of relationship and connection, value and worth, fertility and pleasure. In Virgo, Venus finds its pleasure in the practicalities of life. It takes the fertility of the earth and harvests it for food and medicine. Relationship can be an act of service, especially towards causes and the help of others.

That said, rulership is the lifeblood of astrology. When you learn and integrate rulership, you’re on your way to having a deeper relationship with astrology. For example, we’re in Virgo Season. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, so Mercury holds the power for Virgo Season, which is telling if Mercury is going to turn retrograde later this week.

Yes, Mercury is turning retrograde on September 9. No need for alarm. Just do your due diligence. Check the details. Virgo Season wouldn’t want it any other way.

My usual Facebook Live will be pre-recorded today because of the holiday here in the United States. Look for it to be posted to YouTube, Instagram, Spotify, and Facebook.

Also, don’t forget, there’s less than two weeks left to register for my Saturn Master Class, which will be a 12-week guided journey to open up to Saturn’s deepest wisdom in each of the twelve signs. Learn more and register.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for September 6.

Read More:

On Planetary Rulers

Program — Saturn Master Class: A 12-Week Journey, Starts September 17

Newsletter — The Astrology of September 5-11, 2022

Learn Astrology Online — Module 1: The Fundamentals of Astrology

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Photo by Mia Moessinger on Unsplash