The Moon moves into Cancer, adding to the watery vibes of Scorpio Season. We’re wearing our heart on our sleeves. We’re standing up for our convictions. Home and family also feature.

It’s also a day when Venus in Sagittarius makes a square to Neptune in Pisces, two signs that ask us to discover what we believe in and to search out answers in the world. They just do it in different ways. Sagittarius is the external search for truth and meaning. Pisces searches within. So, what do we put our faith in? Is it truth?

That said, Venus and Neptune in hard aspect — a square is a hard aspect — has a reputation for illusions, deceptions, and mirages. We may be asking ourselves today, is something real? Or just a vision? But Venus and Neptune, on its positive side, helps us to forgive, find compassion, and connect with the energies of unconditional love.

Did you miss my video on this week’s astrology? You can watch the astrology of October 25-31, 2021 here or on YouTube, IGTV, or listen on Spotify.

Read More:

Learn Astrology — Module 1: The Fundamentals of Astrology

Neptune in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Interview — Replay of IG Live with Melissa of @mindfullymelissa

Video — The Astrology of October 25-31, 2021

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