Pluto turns direct at 29 Capricorn, its final leg in a sign it’s been in since January 2008. It’s the end of an era as well as the transition into something new. A key area of our lives has been irrevocably transformed over the last 16 years. What have we learned?

2008 feels like a million years ago and a couple of lifetimes ago, but it was the start of a cycle in each of our lives that, depending on our personal astrology, saw a massive structural change. That was the year that Pluto arrived in Capricorn for the first time in two centuries. (Yes, you read that correctly.)

If Capricorn is our material world, from its physical structures and institutions to the responsibilities and duties that this material world demands, then Pluto is non-negotiable transformation. After all, Pluto is an evolutionary planet. It does its evolutionary work by holding a mirror to us, personally and collectively. It’s not always easy to gaze into Pluto’s mirror.

What Pluto has touched over the last decade or so — maybe our careers, our relationships, our family life — looks nothing as it did in 2008, not unlike a gut renovation. (Read Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign for a review of what part of your life has changed.)

As we reach the final month of Pluto in Capricorn, take note that Pluto moves so slowly that the work we did karmically and spiritually over the past 16 years is the only time our soul could have done this work. Pluto will take another 200 years to return to Capricorn and resurface the same area of our lives. There have been deep lessons to learn since 2008, but we have been transformed in the interim.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for October 12-14, 2024.

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Libra New Moon: Trust

Jupiter in Gemini: Sign by Sign

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

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