The Moon in Taurus and we’re officially a month off from a lunar eclipse in Taurus, one that will put a spotlight on many of the larger themes we’ve been navigating the past few years — stability, value, worth, resource. Pay attention to the stories coming up now.

It’s not uncommon for an eclipse to manifest before or even after the exact date of the eclipse. Thus is the mystery as well as the reputation of eclipses. For example, when the Moon was in Scorpio in late September, we got a preview of themes that will be present with the Scorpio solar eclipse a month later. In fact, the Moon’s time in Leo and Aquarius this month are other markers for eclipse energy this month.

Eclipses shift the narrative. They close out one chapter and begin another, sometimes dramatically so. And with the eclipses arriving every sixth months, we can anticipate their arrival. While we can’t always predict what will happen with an eclipse, we can get a sense of what’s shifting based on where Scorpio and Taurus fall in our astrology. (A work around, you don’t know, is to look at Uranus’s time in Taurus based on your Sun and rising in my guide, Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign.)

This season’s eclipses arrive on October 25 with a Scorpio solar eclipse and November 8 with a Taurus lunar eclipse, which means that life’s starting to shift and move, especially now that the Moon’s in Taurus today. (Don’t forget to register for my two-hour eclipse webinar, which will be on October 22 at 12 pm ET. Recording available. Learn more and register.)

That said, the Libra Sun makes a supportive trine to Saturn in Aquarius today. Use this opportunity to make improvements, put things back into order, to take yourself and your talents seriously. Saturn favors maturity and growth and helps things to take form and become solid.

Did you miss my video for the astrology of October 10-16, 2022? In it, I talk about eclipse season and some of October’s changes. Watch the replay on YouTube, Instagram, or Spotify.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for October 12.

Read More:

Webinar — The Eclipses of October & November 2022

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Newsletter — The Astrology of October 10-16, 2022

Video — The Astrology of October 10-16, 2022

Learn Astrology Online — Module 1: The Fundamentals of Astrology

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Photo by Luke Southern on Unsplash