We start the week off with a Libra Moon, one that picks up on themes of fairness and justice, especially as we navigate the early days of Sagittarius Season. How do we put our lives back into balance?

Libra is also a social placement for the Moon and, as a result, we’re reaching out to friends, making connections, and spending time with our community. Further, with Saturn in Aquarius, it’s a periodic reminder that we’re in a larger framework of time where we need to build stronger friendships.

That said, a few of things of note. First, we’re only five days away from a solar eclipse. Life’s a bit liminal at the moment, especially as we get closer to the last few days of the lunar month before the December 4 Sagittarius solar eclipse. Two, Mars in Scorpio makes a trine Neptune in Pisces. Sometimes we’re so busy doing that we forget that there’s a larger plan for our lives. How do we align ourselves to something greater? Three, Mercury in Sagittarius trines Chiron in Aries. It’s a good day for conversations that heal and come from a place of deep empathy.

More on this in my Facebook Live at 6 pm EST today on the astrology of November 29-December 5, 2021. You can watch the replay on YouTube, Instagram, or listen on Spotify.

Read More:

Webinar Clip — The Eclipses of November & December 2021

Learn Astrology Online — Module 1: The Fundamentals of Astrology

Newsletter — The Astrology of November 29-December 5, 2021

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