Welcome to Gemini Season! The Sun arrives in the third sign of the zodiac, a buzzy and busy sign that invites us to explore, try new things, and enjoy life in its multitude. It’s a season to focus on education, too.

For the first half of Gemini Season, Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, is in Taurus, which tempers Gemini’s usual quick mind and impatient curiosity. Which is to say, that we’re still taking our time to figure out next steps, we’re weighing our options and deliberating. Taurus is value conscious. Our choices have to make sense for the future. (Mercury returns home to Gemini on June 3.)

That said, the Gemini Sun means that we’re starting to break away from a pile-up of planets in Taurus. Presently, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus, and Mercury are in Taurus. On May 23, Venus arrives in Gemini followed by Jupiter in Gemini on May 25.

In short, the sky is beginning to change. The collective hour is beginning to change.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for May 21, 2024.

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Photo by Mark Landman on Unsplash