We’re wrapping up the astrological year as the Sun reaches the end of Pisces and we’re in a state of transition. Endings make way for new beginnings. We’re also a week away from a lunar eclipse. The coming days may bring notable events and decisions.

The Moon’s in Cancer today, a sign that speaks to the four directions and four seasons of life. We’re focusing on home and family as well as the things in our life that nurture us. It may be an emotional day, too.

With Mercury also conjunct the North Node, it may be a day for important decisions, ones that launch us in a new direction. Life may be moving fast the next couple of weeks. We need to find our courage to align with our desires.

Want to learn more about the eclipses and what they mean for you? My two-hour webinar on March 21 is a deep dive. In it we’ll look at the power of eclipses, the deeper meaning behind the Aries-Libra eclipses, and how it’s part of a larger story playing out into 2025 with threads back to 2014-2015 and 2004-2005. Learn more and register.

And registration will be ending soon for my Saturn Master Class, a 12-week journey of transformation and discovery, one that looks at the blueprint for your life. Recorded for replay. Begins March 23 and runs until June 8. Learn more.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for March 19, 2024.

Read More:

Saturn Master Class, a 12-Week Journey starts March 23

Webinar — The Eclipses of March-April 2024, live and recorded

Newsletter — The Astrology of March 18-24, 2024

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