The Moon crosses into Virgo and we prepare for Friday’s full moon. If Pisces Season pulls us into the liminal spaces between lives, between reality, then Virgo is a call to get back to solid ground.

There’s a lot of planets in Pisces right now — the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune, in fact. That’s a lot of Pisces, especially with Jupiter, its ruling planet, so strong in the sky. While there’s a beauty and magic to Pisces, a sign that helps us to see beyond the physical world, it’s easy to get lost in its subtle currents.

Friday’s full moon at 27 Virgo is a much needed anchor, pulling us back to reality after the dreams and even illusions of Pisces. It’s easy to get caught up in the romance, but we can’t leave behind our common sense and sense of planning.

That said, there’s still a spiritual fertility to all these planets in Pisces, as if they’re opening us up to something new. We just need to take the initiative of the Virgo Moon to make them real.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for March 17.

Read More:

Jupiter in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Neptune in Pisces: Sign by Sign

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Photo by Andrea Leopardi on Unsplash