Venus in Cancer makes a square to the Lunar Nodes, a turning point for relationships as well as a ripple of eclipse energy. It’s a reminder that we’re not so far away from a solar eclipse in April as well as a solar eclipse to come in early October.

We’re at the midpoint of the eclipses, a period three months after and three months before an eclipse. It’s a crossroads, an inflection in a story that already began. Like the eclipse period three months before, people can come in and out of our lives. We may see notable events.

Venus is the ruler of the Libra South Node as well as the October 2 Libra solar eclipse at 10 degrees, which is to say, Venus holds the power of the eclipse. It may be strange to think of a future event happening now, but thus is the nature of eclipses, a spiral of time that weaves its way through different moments.

Venus and Libra speak to relationships, from how we connect to others to the importance of forming partnership in all forms. Take a note of any themes around relationship. We may be getting a preview of events to come in September-October. Or the event may be manifesting now, especially around the Cancer New Moon of July 5.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for June 27, 2024.

Read More:

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

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