The Moon’s in Aquarius as we start the week, a Moon that helps us to connect with friends and community, to become aware of social issues and causes. As much as Cancer Season is about home and family, we need the support of trusted allies.

Aquarius is ruled by Saturn, which is to say, the energy of the sign points over to Saturn, a planet that helps to build and construct. Aquarius is an air sign, an element known for ideas and information, social connection and exchange. And with Saturn’s help, we use the archetype of the sign and element air to forge systems and networks, whether they are social or informational.

This week the spotlight is on Saturn as it prepares to turn retrograde on June 29 at 19 degrees Pisces. As a slow moving planet, Saturn spends about three years in one zodiac sign, taking 29 years in total to make one trip around the zodiac.

Saturn is one of the main drivers of our experience in astrology. It marks the hours, chapters, and milestones of our lives. Even with Saturn turning retrograde later this week, we are seeing a story build over the coming days. Perhaps it’s happening already. It’s a story that began in March 2023 when Saturn first entered the sign of Pisces. (Read Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign for a refresh of the story.)

As a result, it’s a week to build, make major decisions, honor our commitments, and reach an achievement.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for June 25, 2024.

Read More:

Capricorn Full Moon: With the Heart

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

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Photo by Davide Manzini on Unsplash