We’re wrapping up Gemini Season this week, a season that has had us on the move. But now that Mercury is in Cancer, our focus turns to home and family. Conversations are nostalgic. We speak from the heart. We’re more sensitive than usual.

Although a technical point, the “rulers” in astrology are important. They move the energy in the sky, like circulation. Mercury is the ruler of Gemini. It’s a planet that moves quickly. One rotation around the sun is a mere 88 days compared to an Earth year of 365 days.

While Mercury was in Gemini the past two weeks, the sign it rules, it created an energy of movement. Maybe we felt more chatty, curious, or busy. Gemini is the sign of many things to do and see.

Now that Mercury is in Cancer, it’s a gear shift, one that slows down the tempo. Since the ruler of Cancer is the Moon, Mercury is not the boss anymore. It has to answer to the Moon. The Moon is home and family, past and memories, feelings and intuition.

And, as a result, emotions may be running higher this week, especially as we get closer to the Capricorn Full Moon on June 21.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for June 18, 2024.

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