The Gemini Sun squares with Neptune, an aspect that pulls between the analytical mind and the intuitive world beyond. We’re feeling more a need to find answers. But those answers may be deep within.

Neptune blurs the boundaries between this world and the next. Under its influence, the real world dissolves away and we become more aware of spirituality and existential truths. In its highest form, the Sun and Neptune speak to mysticism and choices that align with our human as well as our spiritual lives. But we have to be careful of deception or something that seems too good to be true. (Neptune’s been in Pisces since 2011, 2012.)

In contrast, the Sun picks up a trine to Saturn, which gives us an anchor in a moving sea. This reminds me of the Temperance card in the tarot. Find the balance between the physical and nonphysical realms.

Lastly, Venus meets up with the North Node in Taurus, bringing a ripple of eclipse energy. As the ruler of Taurus, this gives the North Node strength. We need to pay attention to where this current of energy is taking us. Doors again are closing and opening.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for June 17.

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Neptune in Pisces: Sign by Sign

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