We start the week off with a Pisces Moon, one that’s better for day dreaming than focused activities. That said, we’ve got a week of change ahead. Three planets are about to switch signs and switch up the story.

Wherever the planets are tells us where the action is happening symbolically. Since it’s Leo Season, which is to say that the Sun is in the sign of Leo, this is our yearly time to focus on what makes us feel joy and passion as well as ourselves.

Mercury will change signs this week, arriving in Leo and joining the party. But Mars trades Leo for Virgo on July 29, reminding us that after the play of Leo comes the diligence and responsibility of Virgo.

But it’s Jupiter’s return back to Aquarius on July 28 that is the big news this week. If you recall, Jupiter’s been in Pisces since May 13, a sign that it not only calls home, but helps us to explore deeper themes around faith and spirituality, compassion and forgiveness. It’s also a placement that can make us feel everything is going to work out fine, even if reality is saying something different.

Jupiter’s switch to Aquarius is more analysis and reason over Jupiter’s faith and intuition. We may feel things very different this week, especially since Jupiter will add fuel to the ongoing square between Saturn and Uranus, to planets that have been pushing and pulling between two corners, as if one foot is in a new life, one foot in an old one.

We’re going back to revisit that foot that’s still in our old life.

More on this in my weekly Facebook Live on the astrology of July 26-August 1, 2021. You can watch the replay on YouTube, IGTV, or listen on Spotify.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for July 27.

Read More:

Jupiter in Pisces: Sign by Sign

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