The Moon moves between Scorpio and Sagittarius today, between the internal search for emotional revelation and the external search for meaning. We’re also getting in touch with our passion and creativity.

That said, the Sun is starting to wrap up its time in Cancer and will leave for Leo on July 22. In the meantime, it’s good to reflect on Cancer’s core need for support and stability, family and home. As the first water sign, Cancer puts us in touch with the emotional fundamentals of life.

Mercury in Cancer also makes a square to Chiron in Aries today, an aspect that may grate on old patterns around vulnerability and communication. At the heart of Chiron’s time in Aries is for us to find our bravery and courage, yet feeling the ache of the times when we struggle to take action. Do the thing that you’ve been putting off.

More on Chiron as well as this week’s astrology in my Facebook Live today at 6 pm EDT. You can watch the replay on YouTube, IGTV, or listen on Spotify.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for July 20.

Read More:

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

Chiron in Aries: The Wounds of War

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