The Capricorn Sun squares Chiron in Aries into tomorrow, activating a sore spot or an ache that takes us back to past memories and old scars. Use the day to heal. We may need to find the courage to move on and create new initiatives for healthy living.

Chiron, a newer addition to astrology, doesn’t always present itself in obvious ways. Instead it pulls at a thread that runs through different moments in our lives, a story that speaks to a larger pain point. Whatever we’re feeling on an emotional level has deep roots, running back to childhood and even ancestral experience. (Read On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots.)

As we go into the weekend, the Moon’s in Scorpio, another sign that digs into the psyche as well as our emotional experiences. It’s a weekend to look towards the future, to spend time with friends and allies, especially those we trust the most.

Want to know what’s ahead for 2024? You can still watch my three-hour webinar, The Astrology of 2024. In it, I have all the big highlights for the year to come and what it means for your Sun and rising sign. Get the recording in the link below.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for January 6-8, 2024.

Read More:

Webinar Replay — The Astrology of 2024

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

Chiron in Aries: The Wounds of War

Newsletter — The Astrology of January 1-7, 2024

Video — The Astrology of January 1-7, 2024

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