The Sun and Mercury meet up with Saturn in Pisces, another reminder that Pisces Season runs alongside Saturn, a planet that will spend the next couple of years helping us to build compassion and spirituality. It’s a status check on how we are doing.

Maybe you know this by now, but I have a fondness for Saturn, a planet that doesn’t have the greatest reputation in classical astrology. Of course, I would never gloss over Saturn’s sometimes heavy lessons of life. What I appreciate about Saturn, however, is that it reveals to us what we are building and becoming over time, provided we do the work.

Where Saturn was in the sky when you were born, by sign, house, and aspect, is some of the most important information you have access to. It gives you the fundamentals of what to do, what to work on, and what to learn. Your life will be constructed around this central theme.

For example, if you’re here to learn about family, you will have core experiences in your life that teach you about family, perhaps even having your own family. If you are here to learn about faith, you will have core experiences that teach you and may even test you about faith. And there are key, predictable ages where these lessons will come to the forefront — ages 28-30, ages 36-38, ages 44-46, ages 57-59 …. (Read about the Saturn Return.)

This is one of the things I teach you in my Saturn Master Class, a 12-week course beginning March 23 and running weekly until June 8. More importantly, we learn and walk the esoteric path of the zodiac so that something is revealed inside. Super early registration and bonuses end today, February 28. Learn more and register in the link below.

That said, Saturn is in Pisces until February 2026. Our collective core lesson, even if we do not have Saturn in Pisces at birth, is to learn about compassion and letting go, forgiveness and empathy, spirituality and a deeper sense of mission and purpose.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. It’s not about our material plane. Pisces is the bridge between the physical and nonphysical, the tangible and the subtle. It takes us into the next life and prepares us for something new.

These are all things to reflect on and contemplate as the Sun and Mercury meet up with Saturn. For some, today, or even the week brings a personal milestone, an achievement, or a promotion. For others, it’s a push to take a step up into more maturity and responsibility, to make a serious commitment or decision. For a few, it’s a hard stop. Something isn’t working and needs a very different approach as well as increased accountability.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for February 29, 2024.

Read More:

Saturn Master Class, a 12-Week Journey starts March 23

The Saturn Return

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Newsletter — The Astrology of February 26-March 3, 2024

Video — The Astrology of February 26-March 3, 2024

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Photo by Hayato Shin on Unsplash