Another Cancer Moon day, another day that pulls at our emotions and feelings, that evokes memories of the past. With a Pisces Sun, we may feel a need to meditate and reflect on the existential questions of our lives.
It was only a few days ago when we had five planets in Aquarius. But now with the Sun in a new sign, we’re shifting away from the intellect of Aquarius, and reaching towards the intuition of Pisces. Jupiter, the ruling planet of Pisces, is over in Taurus, which means that we are also finding the balance between our dreams and how to make them real and concrete.
Later this week, on February 23, Mercury will join the Sun as well as Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, further shifting the focus in the sky towards the spiritual and emotional versus the rational and analytical. By then, we will have four planets in Pisces.
Are you starting to feel the shift?
If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for February 22, 2024.