Mars moves into Aquarius, bringing its energies of force and initiation to Pluto, also newly in Aquarius. There’s a palpable shift in the collective. It’s a demand that we look at themes around society and humanity, social issues and causes, systems and networks.

Mars typically changes signs every six weeks, taking two years to travel through the entirety of the zodiac. As it moves from sign to sign, it motivates us with the energy of the sign. It can be inspirational, aggressive, and commanding. It all depends on what our relationship is with Mars, which is to say, how we typically take action and connect with our desires.

Mars is also a personal planet, part of a cohort of planets that includes Mercury and Venus that speak to our personal and day-to-day lives. Mercury is how we speak and listen, learn and analyze. Venus is what we value and invest in, how we connect and relate to one another. Mars, on the other hand, is our desire … our personal power … our ability to individuate and go after what we want.

But with Mars in Aquarius, we’re navigating a sign that’s not personal — it’s collective. Aquarius governs society and humanity, our friendships and our communities. It’s the greater whole. And with Mars here, we have to temper our personal desires with the desires of something greater.

Mars in Aquarius people are typically aware of the world at large. They have a strong desire for fairness and justice. They are quite to rally behind a cause and motivate others to get involved in their community or even in politics. (Mars was last in Aquarius from March 6 to April 14, 2022.)

The question mark around Mars in Aquarius is how will it activate and initiate us now that Pluto is in Aquarius?

Pluto, a slow moving sign, takes nearly 250 years to go through the entirety of the zodiac and was last in Aquarius in the 1780s and 1790s. Mars and Pluto haven’t been together in Aquarius in two centuries. 

So, pay attention and observe the themes and events that are unfolding around you this week. Are they indicative of something new, perhaps even the start of a seismic shift or a deep need to make a personal or collective change?

Time will tell.

I spoke about Mars and Pluto in my Facebook Live last night. You can watch the replay on YouTube, Instagram, and Spotify.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for February 14, 2024.

Read More:

Aquarius New Moon: Leave the Past Behind

Mars in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

Pluto in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

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Photo by Pascal Meier on Unsplash