Virgo Season picks up on Mercury Retrograde, which means that there’s a need to review, restructure, and reorganize as we go into the weekend. With a Moon in Aries, we have responsibilities to step into and new initiatives to set in motion.

Note that we’re a month away from an eclipse, our first eclipse in a duo of eclipses that activates Pisces and Libra. In fact, the eclipse in Pisces is the first in a series of eclipses that will go back and forth between Virgo and Pisces into 2026. A new story is about to begin.

Virgo and Pisces are the “helping and healing” signs. They have an innate desire to be of service to others, to solve problems, and make things better for the greater good. These may be themes that are beginning to surface in our lives.

That said, Venus in Virgo and Mars in Gemini are square, a flirtatious energy that can be a little sexy, too. A Taurus Moon this weekend highlights pleasure and comfort as well as a need to explore new horizons. We may be searching for answers to deeper existential questions.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for August 24-26, 2024.

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