Welcome to Virgo Season. The Sun arrives in the 6th sign of the zodiac, leaving behind the play of Leo for the structure and duties of Virgo. As an earth sign, Virgo teaches us about the importance of taking care of our lives through organization and service.

I’ve said this a few times over the years and I’ll say it again — I don’t think Virgo always gets its fair due as a sign. In fact, I believe the world would fall apart without the energies of Virgo. It makes things run. It fosters systems and organizational flow. It’s the operations of the zodiac.

If the twelve signs of the zodiac are the wheel of life, then Virgo is the glue that keeps everything together. Within the three earth signs, Taurus creates the foundation for life, Capricorn builds structure, and Virgo is the mechanical energy that everything moves around. After all, Virgo is ruled by Mercury.

Speaking of Mercury, the planet of movement, learning, and choice makes its quarterly retrograde starting today, an interesting start to Virgo Season, of which Mercury is always the driving player.

What we need to keep in mind is that this Virgo Season is not the norm. Instead of moving forward, we need to go back to the past, taking inventory of all things Virgo — our health, our routines, the systems that run our lives, our ability to think critically and make the best informed decisions for ourselves.

The coming three weeks is a reorganization and, with the influence of Saturn in Pisces on the opposite end the sky, a restructure of our commitments and how we show up. And, feeling the push and pull between Virgo and Pisces, finding the balance between heaven and earth.

Mercury will be retrograde from August 23 until September 15, 2023, 21 to 8 degrees Virgo.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for August 24, 2023.

Read More:

Webinar Replay — The Lunar Nodes in Aries-Libra: 2023-2025

Newsletter — The Astrology of August 21-27, 2023

Mars in Virgo: Sign by Sign

Video — The Astrology of August 21-27, 2023

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Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash