As the Sun reaches the end of Leo today, a sign it calls home, we’re on the threshold. What have we learned about joy and passion, creativity and being ourselves? When the Sun arrives in Virgo, we take this spark and hone it through craft and attention to detail.

That’s something I love about the interplay between Leo and Virgo, two signs that seem like they don’t have anything in common. If Leo puts us back in touch with the source of life, the creative divine spark within, then Virgo takes that spark and puts it into reality. It animates the rituals and practices that Virgo is known for.

Leo is a fire sign; Virgo is an earth sign. Sometimes we forget that element fire is a necessary ingredient to life and the physicalities of life that we see with the earth signs, such as Virgo. A body is just a body unless it has life in it.

So as we go into Virgo Season, remember to bring the spark that we cultivated in Leo. Work and projects need passion. Our duties and responsibilities need to be fueled by the things we love. Bring art into everyday life.

Having said that, Mercury in Virgo makes a trine to Pluto today, a shrewd and calculating influence that helps us to strategize, especially as we go into an interesting week. Conversations may be telling, deep, or transformative.

Just a heads up. Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus on Wednesday, August 24. Be open to flashes of awareness and new insights.

More on this later in my Facebook Live on Monday, August 22 at 6pm ET. You can watch the replay on YouTube, Instagram, and Spotify.

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Mars in Gemini: Sign by Sign

Program — Saturn Master Class: A 12-Week Journey, Starts September 17

Newsletter — The Astrology of August 22-28, 2022

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