Mars in Virgo crosses the Lunar Nodes, activating eclipse energies. Actions may feel fated. We have to make a decision or get clear about something. One area of our lives may be poised for a swift change.

Anytime a planet crosses the Lunar Nodes, we can experience events that propel us in new directions. When Venus meets this axis, for example, a relationship can shake up or take a turn. Mars, however, can be a catalyst. It’s a force, a trigger point on something that may have been brewing for a while.

At the heart of Mars in Virgo is a question of how to use the actions and forward movements of Mars through Virgo’s lens of discipline, craft, and attention to detail? Mars in Virgo can be very sharply focused. It needs exercise, a schedule, and healthy pursuits, something we may need to integrate into our lives as Mars crosses the Nodes.

Mercury also arrives in Virgo today, a hint that we’re getting closer to Virgo Season. In Virgo, Mercury has come home. It reminds us of the importance of making sure our lives are organized and balanced so that life can run smoothly. It also gives us a critical eye and an ability to sort and analyze information.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for August 12.

Read More:

Mars in Virgo: Sign by Sign

Leo New Moon: Plot Twist

Video — The Astrology of August 9-15, 2021

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