The Moon’s in Capricorn today, highlighting themes around duty and responsibility, commitment and accountability. We also reach the last-quarter moon before a solar eclipse, another turn in a period transition that takes us to next week’s powerful new beginnings.

One of the things that is an unusual feature in this season’s eclipses is just how many planets are in Pisces. Both Venus and Mars, the respective “rulers” of lunar and solar eclipses, are in Pisces, pulling the energy of the eclipses to Pisces. They are also joined by Saturn and Neptune in Pisces.

There are many facets to Pisces, but one of its main expressions is as a sign of endings and completion as well as spirituality and transcendence. After all, Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, the omega to Aries’s alpha. Two signs side by side, like two different worlds. Aries is the physical world. Pisces is the world we can’t see.

With the Moon in Capricorn today, we find Saturn, its “ruler”, in Pisces. So, in a way, we’re being pulled already into the world we can’t see and into a space of completion. We may feel stories or cycles coming to an end. We may feel a call to explore our spirituality or search for deeper answers, all in advance of next week’s solar eclipse.

Eclipses are one of the most dynamic effects in astrology, especially if the eclipse falls in one’s sign or opposing sign. Want to know why eclipses are some of the most important astrology? Watch my 2.5 hour webinar, The Eclipses of March-April 2024, and learn why eclipses are one of the most important things I pay attention to as an astrologer and how March and April (and even May) will be some of the most important months this year. Get the webinar in the link below.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for April 3, 2024.

Read More:

Webinar Replay — The Eclipses of March-April 2024

Mars in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Newsletter — The Astrology of April 1-7, 2024

Video — The Astrology of April 1-7, 2024

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Photo by Tolga Ahmetler on Unsplash