It’s Taurus Season! We kick the week off with the Sun’s change of signs, a reminder that it’s a season to find pleasure, sensuality, and beauty in the coming weeks. It’s also a reminder that we’re in the midst of a seismic shift with all things Taurus.

Yes, a friendly reminder, Uranus is in Taurus. And it’s been in Taurus since May 2018, March 2019. Uranus belongs to a class of planets that are outside the boundaries of classical astrology, which is to say, beyond Saturn. Uranus is a modern planet, discovered only two centuries ago.

Modern planets talk about a shift and evolution of conscious, both of our awareness of each other of a societal and collective level, but our awareness of ourselves. Uranus in particular pushes us to leave our comfort zone, to reinvent, shake up, and transform. It’s the planet of revolutions and revelations, after all. And we can see just how much society has shifted since its discovery in 1781.

On a more mundane, day-to-day level, Uranus is trying to get us out of our own way … by any means possible. It does so by upending the narrative so we can get back on track and get back to who we are. Uranus helps us to evolve.

So the coming days and weeks may be shaking things up. All you have to do is to go back to the Taurus part of your chart and see just how much things have shifted since May 2018, March 2019. Need a refresher? Read Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign.

Mercury also moves into Taurus today, further adding to a week of flashes of insight and brilliance or a restless push to make a 180 or major change. We may feel like the seismic plates of our lives are shifting, too. Hang in there. And do the self reflection. What was going on in your life in May 2018, March 2019? This includes the months just before or after. How do those events thread into the present moment?

I’ll be talking about this in my weekly astrology video, which I will be pre-recording due to travel and a visit to family. Links will go up here, on Facebook, YouTube, IGTV, and Spotify.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for April 20.

Read More:

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Earthquake

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