Happy Taurus Full Moon! This is the time in the zodiac calendar when the spotlight is on our material lives. Taurus highlights what we own and what we value. It is money and resource as well as the pleasure of living. The full moon is exact on November 12, 2019 at 8:35 am EST, 19 degrees Taurus/Scorpio. That’s 5:35 am Los Angeles, 1:35 pm London, 12:35 am Sydney on November 13, and 2:35 am Auckland.

After all the emotional intensities of Scorpio Season, a time when we honor life’s many cycles and honor the truth that all things must eventually end, a Taurus Full Moon is a welcome respite. It’s an invitation to reach for solid ground after the shaky vulnerability of Scorpio. It’s a reminder that although the trees are turning yellow and the days growing colder, one day spring will return and life will be in full bloom yet again.

Scorpio and Taurus are money signs. They make us aware of resource and ownership, what is mine and what is yours, wealth and possession. With a full moon in Taurus, we’re getting a push to take action in our material lives. This may include taking a look at bank accounts and other assets. We may be thinking about the future and gathering what we need to plan for life’s inevitable ups and downs. We may even be looking to acquire something or buy property. That said, if the ground is shaky beneath our feet, then what do we need to feel more secure? With the full making trines to Saturn and Pluto, we have powerful support to go after what we need as well as what we want.

Taurus is also a very nuts and bolts sign. As the first earth sign, it gets us back touch with the fundamentals of living — food, shelter, heat. It also puts us back into our bodies. So, in addition in our material lives, we’re also focusing on taste, touch, smell. We’re enjoying life’s simple pleasures. We may even be feeling a bit indulgent, too. Ruled by Venus, Taurus loves food, sweetness, and life’s luxuries.  

Usually full moons are time when we make a decision. Spurred to action, the full moon illuminates something for us. But don’t forget that Mercury is still retrograde. We may need to get more information or do more research, something that’s important to consider if we’re weighing a major financial decision.

Keep in mind that there’s a back story to this full moon. Ever since the planet Uranus arrived in Taurus in March 2019, a sign that it will be in until 2026, we’ve been shaking things up in the Taurus department. Yes, it’s a full moon to focus on resource and material stability, but at the same time we are in the midst of reinventing what these mean to us. We’re redefining value and ownership in radical ways. We’re needing to get out of our comfort zones and stop playing it safe. (Read more about what Uranus in Taurus means for you in my sign-by-sign guide.)

So, we’re checking in on whatever part of our life has been getting a shake up since March. We’re turning a page in a story that will continue to unfold for the next six years. It may be our instinct to resist change in this part of our life, but we need to open up to what Uranus is trying to show us. It’s the planet of awakenings and new consciousness, after all. (I did a quick look at this full moon in my weekly Facebook Live video.)

Speaking of opening up, Venus, the ruler of the full moon, makes a square to Neptune. There’s a spiritual undercurrent to what’s unfolding right now and I think that the full moon is a reminder for us to get out of our way. Taurus can be a stubborn sign to the point of blocking change, but Neptune, like the ocean, forces its way through our resistance. It’s a full moon to surrender and open up to something magical.

Lastly, I’m teaching a webinar on Neptune on November 26 at 7:30 pm EST called Neptune, Spirituality, and Illusions. If you’re a student of astrology or you want to learn more about this illusive and mystical planet, please join me for my latest 90-minute webinar. You can still register to receive the video and audio replay if you cannot attend live. Details and registration here.

Read More:

Chart of the Taurus Full Moon

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Earthquake

Webinar — Neptune, Illusions, and Spirituality

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