Tag: Moon in Taurus

Photo by Joseph Gonzalez. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: July 27, 2016

We’re still in Taurus/Leo mode — gather, create, graze. This is a combination that has been known to like nice things, taking pleasure in the physicality of life. In fact, the Taurus/Leo combo is really important in the creation cycle.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: July 26, 2016

We’re winding down the lunar month this week, a time in the lunar calendar when energy wanes in preparation for the next month. This is a week to take stock of where we’ve traveled since July 4, integrate the lessons learned over an emotional four week period.

Photo by David Mao. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 18, 2016

Lazy day alert. With the Moon in Taurus and Venus making a square to Jupiter, it’s all about creature comforts, pleasure, and indulgence. In fact, the Moon will trine Jupiter today, a combo that is both generous and known for wanting more. Are we experiencing too much of a good […]

Photo by Lee Miller. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 15, 2016

We’re half way through January! It’s a good time to take a moment and review your monthly horoscope. Now that we’ve gotten into a powerful new lunar month, you’ll have a different perspective on what I wrote about. (If you know your rising sign, read for it as well as […]

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Astro Daily: September 30, 2015

The Moon is in Taurus today, reminding us all of the need for solid ground and stability after a rocky past few days of eclipse shake ups. Taurus is an earth sign. It’s primal urge is to seek shelter, comfort, and the resources needed to feel secure in this world. […]