Tag: Moon in Gemini

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Astro Daily: October 6, 2020

The Moon moves into Gemini and we’ve got things to do, places to go. It’s a chatty and social day, one where we’re sharing our opinions as well as looking out into the world for new ideas. With Mercury opposite Uranus, information may shock or illuminate.

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 8, 2020

The Moon trades Taurus for Gemini, the earth for the air. Things may be a little slow to start for most of the day, picking up later as the Moon finally crosses into Gemini. Then, we’re feeling more social, more focused on our goals and aims into tomorrow.

Photo by Leon Liu on Unsplash

Astro Daily: August 13, 2020

Mars in Aries begins to move past Pluto and some of its intensity begins to subside. We may be still be examining deep themes around power and control as well as the courage to take action. That said, we’re revisiting these themes into the end of the year.

Photo by Courtney Nuss on Unsplash

Astro Daily: August 12, 2020

The Moon moves into Gemini and we’re on the move. It’s a day to explore, chat, message, and discover new things. With the Mercury in Leo, we have lots to say, too. We may also need to reach out to a friend, network, or connect with community.

Photo by Steady Hand Co. on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 3, 2020

The Moon wraps up its stay in Gemini, a sign that has things to do and likes to rush around. With Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, however, we’re encouraged to take it more slowly and revisit past choices and decisions, especially events from early February.

Photo by Anders Nord on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 2, 2020

We start the week with a Gemini Moon, one that highlights conversations, information, ideas, and movement. Always curious, a Gemini Moon needs something to read and learn. Since it’s the first quarter moon, too, we’re weighing options and making choices.

Photo by Ilyuza Mingazova on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 28, 2020

The Moon arrives in Taurus, picking up on a square between Venus and Pluto, two planets that can be a little obsessive, magnetic, and seductive. Pluto also speaks to the shadow and we may be navigating hidden motives and power dynamics.

Photo by Max Andrey on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 4, 2020

Another Gemini Moon day. With Neptune and Mercury in Pisces, our movements are slow and our thoughts are driven by feeling and intuition. It’s a day to dream and meditate, but also get inspired and draw upon our creativity.

Photo by Fidel Fernando on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 3, 2020

Mercury arrives in Pisces as the Moon switches into Gemini. Normally the quick witted and even quicker thinking Gemini Moon plays off well with the Aquarius Sun. Yes, it’s a day for big creative ideas, but we also need to get in touch with our intuition.

Photo by Ishan @seefromthesky on Unsplash

Astro Daily: January 8, 2020

Another Gemini Moon day, which means we need to explore, seek out new information, and weight our options. Travel and education continue to be a focus. While Gemini tends to be a light and breezy sign, all eyes are on serious Capricorn.

Photo by Pavel Nekoranec on Unsplash

Astro Daily: January 7, 2020

The Moon’s in Gemini today. We’re on the move. It’s all about information, ideas, and new perspectives. It’s also a day to focus on projects and work. With Mercury joining Saturn and Pluto, it’s also a day to make healthy choices and break old patterns.